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this application is an MQTT gateway for Viessmann heaters mainly writen in Ruby language :

  • that is connected to heater with an USB-TTL adaptator
  • vitalk daemon handle serial IO to Viessman heater, based on P300 protocol
  • we use a modified version of vitalk daemon supporting raw read and write commands
  • an MQTT server is used to handle IO from vitalk and Internet dashboard
  • an sqlite database is used to store heating power, in percent, every minutes


  • description of adresses in an .YAML file
  • extend API to support those files.


Android MQTT Dashboard application

Android Dashboard

Cayenne dashboard

Cayenne Dashboard


sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-sqlite3 mosquitto mosquitto-clients
sudo gem install mqtt

# add user to dialout group
sudo usermod -aG dialout $(whoami)

sudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd user

cat >> /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf << EOF
allow_anonymous false
password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd

service mosquitto restart

cd $HOME
git clone
cd viessmann-mqtt


all operations are done with viessmann-mqtt bash script wrapper :

# install packages : ruby, sqlite, gems
./viessmann-mqtt sys-install

# download and install vitalk (not mandatory if running on raspbian : vitalk binary is given in package)
./viessmann-mqtt install

# create mandatory directories and database
./viessmann-mqtt init

# start, stop, restart and status
viessmann-mqtt start
viessmann-mqtt status
viessmann-mqtt stop
viessmann-mqtt restart


  • all parameters are centralised in etc/viessmann-mqtt.yaml ;
  • if you plan to commit some change, you may copy this file to $HOME/.config to avoid publish your private passords.
  • this application can be installed in your HOME directory or any place under your drive : it will try to work and locate scripts and libraries.

software architecture

Android Dashboard

  • 1 : viessmann-mqtt-gateway.rb handle IO from vitalk and publish data to MQTT software bus
  • 2 : viessmann-mqtt-sub.rb handle publish to MQTT server and send commands to vitalk and heater
  • 3 : viessmann-power-sqlite.rb store power heater every minutes in sqlite database
  • 4 : viessmann-mqtt-sub-cayenne-gw.rb receive publish commands
  • 5 : requests from Internet clients (Cayenne, Mqtt-Dashboard or any)

misc :

  • some time, USB device get disconnected from linux kernel : monitor-usb-device.rb will monitor thoses disconnections and restart every tasks with viessmann-mqtt bash script wrapper.


  • complete raw-read wrapper (src/extra/viessmann-tcpclient-raw.rb)
  • experiment Wireless interface based on ESP8266
  • grafana + influxdb monitoring
