this project has used session ,access controlling, file uploading, commenting system, view count system and many more features that we tried to demonstrate some of them in the rest of this page.
registration and login pages
no one is able to see any article unless they are registerd
Dashboarding system which gives bloggers and admins whole different features
Changing personal information
add profile picture
deleting account
changing password
adding new articles
all article inputs will be checked both on server and client-side
get a list of all articles of your own or others (other users plus yourself) on different pages
users are able to edit and delete their own articles
edit or delete your own article
comment on your own or others' articles
you can also delete your own comments
note: there is only one admin (GOD)
in addition to all general featuers admin has special access to:
admin can see a list of all users
- there is a simple yet powerfull system of view counting which shows how many unique readers were spending time on each specific article.
- when adding artiles they will be checked to get correct inputs and if any of them are incorrect and empty, a proper alert will pop up.
- as a server feature on deletion of articles their respective comments and files like pictures will be removed automatically.
- as a server feature when a user gets deleted, all respective properties like articles, comments and files like avatar pictures will also get removed.