Visualizes Rocket League Replays
Upload and watch Rocket League replays here
This application uses the following AWS services:
- S3
- Elastic Beanstalk
- DynamoDB
First you must have an AWS account, and create an S3 bucket. You will
need to update
with your S3 bucket name.
You also must create a DynamoDB table turbo-carnival
with partition_key of replay_key
Application assumes you will use region us-west-2
App is deployed using eb cli tool and also requires the AWS cli tool. These can be installed using pip.
python -m pip install awscli
python -m pip install --upgrade --user awsebcli
You need to configure the AWS cli with API keys and which region you want to work in.
aws configure
The first time you deploy the app, you have the create the environment in Elastic Beanstalk.
cd website
eb create [environment-name]
You need to use IAM to give the Elastic Beanstalk role read and write permissions to your S3 bucket.
Deployment to an existing Elastic Beanstalk is easy:
cd website
eb deploy
The application can also be run locally. App assumes /tmp
exists and is writable. Don't worry it only uses it
temporarily. The application still requires an S3 bucket when run
locally. It also requires the
octane to be in
your PATH.
cd website