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XML Prague 2018

Using Maven with XML projects - Demo "myProject"

UPDATE: After the presentation at Prague a new issue has been opened and resolved in the maven-catalogBuilder-plugin. Please clone branch "newScheme" of this repo to get this update.

This repo holds "myProject" source presented at XML Prague 2018:

Principle: "myProject" has a XSL dependency to an xsl library located in another Maven Project "myXslLib".


Note: Maven is written in Java, so you need Java to build your XML Maven Project. But at the end, your final delivery may not run under Java. Your XMLProject will be encapsulated within a jar file, which may be used like a simple zip containing your xslt, schemas, etc.

For local development your XML IDE needs to deal with XML catalogs, for example:

  • Oxygen Editor:
    • go to: options > Preferences > XML > XML Catalogs
    • add a new catalog: ${pdu}/catalog.xml

Build the library:

  1. git clone
  2. cd xml-prague-2018-demo_myLib
  3. mvn install

Build this project:

  1. git clone
  2. cd xml-prague-2018-demo_myXMLproject
  3. mvn install

Generate documentaion:

  1. mvn site
  2. cd target/site


This project consists of:

  • scr/main/xsl/say-hello.xsl: an xslt which call function myLib:say-hello()
  • The function myLib:say-hello() is declared in another repository:
  • say-hello.xsl uses <xsl:import href="dependency:/eu.els.lib+myXslLib/myLib.xsl"/> to import this lib.
  • The pom.xml references a dependency to this lib:


This plugin will generate a catalog.xml file at the root of the project.

This catalog will be used to resolve artefactId:/ uri, based on dependencies declaration.

Here, the catalog references the jar where xslLib is installed, it should look like this:

<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
  <rewriteURI uriStartString="dependency:/eu.els.lib+myXslLib/" rewritePrefix="jar:file:C:\Users\you\.m2\repository\eu\els\lib\myXslLib\1.0\myXslLib-1.0.jar!/"/>
  <rewriteSystem systemIdStartString="dependency:/eu.els.lib+myXslLib/" rewritePrefix="jar:file:C:\Users\you\.m2\repository\eu\els\lib\myXslLib\1.0\myXslLib-1.0.jar!/"/>

When the dependency has a dependency the plugin will generate every dependencies entry in the catalog by reading each pom.xml recursively.

When a lib is available in your maven repository (Nexus, Maven Central, ...) you don't need to install it, Maven will automatically get all dependency in your .m2 directory.


The result of the build is a jar file, you can change that.

Here you get myProject-1.0.jar.

If you need a full jar with all dependencies included, use the plugin maven-assembly-plugin.

Here we get myProject-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar


If you want to add Unit Tests to you XSLT, you may use XSpec.

xspec-maven-plugin will lauch every XSpec in src/test, if one XSpec failed the build will also fail.

The results of the XSpec tests will be available in target/xspec-reports.


This is report plugin that generates XSLT documentation, like java doc.

You need to run mvn site to generate this documentation.

The documentation will be available in target/site.


Maven is a kind of "Lego build", you can use any available plugins. For example xml-maven-plugin can perform XML validation or generating new source code in the delivery.

Here we use this plugin to generated a simple version of a schema: we simply make the attribute "hello" optional where it was mandatory in the original schema.

In the delivery we can access to both schemas. If the original schema has modifications, the generated one will also have them.


XML Prague 2018 - Demo : XML project with Maven






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