This is my edition of the open source forall x logic textbook, which I use in my introductory logic class at Syracuse University. It is based on Tim Button's forall x: Cambridge, which is in turn based on P.D. Magnus' original forall x. The present text is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
The main changes I've made compared to forall x: Cambridge are the following:
- I've changed the first chapter by e.g. elucidating the modal notion of validity using possible worlds, and distinguishing it from the notion of formal validity more.
- I've added more on the semantics of truth-functional and especially first-order logic, particularly as concerns the construction of countermodels.
- I've made some changes to the natural deduction rules in both parts.
- I've reordered the presentation of various topics and revised the practice problems.
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