This is a very simple REST API written in Python using Django. It is a simple product tracker that allows you to create, update, and supervise products.
For the project to work properly, you need to install packets and dependencies. You can do that by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda create --name <env> --file requirements-conda.txt
Project can be used with two different databases. One, more professional but needs some configuration - PostgreSQL, and the second one, much more basic but working out of the box - SQLite.
You can start PostgreSQL by running the following command:
docker-compose up -d
To use the postgresql database, you need to create a database with the name: "producttracker".
If you don't want to use the postgresql database, you can revert to sqlite by commenting out the lines 85-94 and uncommenting the lines 78-83 in the productTracker/ file.
To start the project and run the server, you can run the following commands:
python runserver
python makemigrations
python migrate
You can populate the database by running the following command:
python populate
This command creates 50 warehouses and 500 products.
The projects consists of three endpoints:
This endpoint allows you to see all the warehouses. You can use the following options:
- Query Parameter
: This is the page number you want to see. If not provided there will be no pagination.
This endpoint allows you to see all the products. You can use the following options:
- Query Parameter
: This is the page number you want to see. If not provided there will be no pagination. - Query Parameter
: This is the option to filter by warehouse (id). If not provided there will be no filtering.
This endpoint allows you to create or update a specific product. ID of the product is assigned automatically during creation. To create a product, you have to provide the following data:
- name: The name of the product.
- stock: The stock of the product.
- warehouse: The warehouse where the product is stored.
"name": "Dishwasher",
"stock": 300,
"warehouse": 4
To update a product, you have to provide the same set of data (with the values you want to set)