This is a preprocessing pipeline for axon diameter mapping using very high b-values. The preprocessing pipeline can be used for both spiral and EPI data.
The repository also contains the source code of the Pulseq sequence, as well as the Pulseq sequence file in the subfolder "seq".
The Pulseq sequence can be generated by running the script "" within the directory "seq/src". The required dependencies can be installed with the provided yml file ("seq/axon_seq.yml").
A working docker container containing all software dependencies listed below and example anonomized data can be pulled by running:
docker pull mavel101/axon_mapping
The docker container requires both a valid Matlab license (incl. Image Processing & Parallel Computing toolbox) and the Nvidia container toolkit for GPU usage. The container can be started by running:
docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v /path/to/matlab/license/file:/licenses/license.lic -e MLM_LICENSE_FILE=/licenses/license.lic mavel101/axon_mapping bash
The path to the Matlab license file has to be exchanged. Inside the container the spiral/EPI pipeline can be run using:
cd ~/AxonDiameter
./ or ./
The example pipeline does not include the gradient unwarping (step 6) as a proprietary file is needed. Instead the already processed data is found in the data folder ("~/AxonDiameter/data") of the container. Also T1 brain extraction is omitted, as the example data is already brain extracted due to anonomization purposes.
The main processing pipeline is implemented in two shell scripts for spiral and EPI data:
- Processing for spiral data can be started running scripts/ #IN_FILE.
- Processing for EPI data can be started running scripts/ #IN_FILE #IN_FILE_PA.
- With option "-t" a T1 image can be provided to do white matter segmentation and along-tract evaluation of the axon diameter.
- Option "-e" selects a maximum-likelihood estimation for spherical harmonic fitting insted of denoising the data directly
- Option "-m" converts spiral data from complex to magnitude before denoising.
Before processing EPI data, the b-vectors should be corrected with the submodule "correctBmatrixOverflow", which corrects for an integer overflow leading to partly wrong b-vectors. Resulting b-vectors have to be transformed to Nifti space with the function "transformForNifti".
Denoising (MRtrix3: "dwidenoise") [1]. If the maximum-likelihood estimator is used for spherical harmonic decomposition (step 8), the denoising is only done to get the noise map.
Convert to magnitude data ("")
Gibbs Ringing removal (MRtrix3: "mrdegibbs") [2]
- TOPUP (FSL) [3]
- Eddy (FSL) [4,5,6]
- Motion correction (FSL Eddy)
Gradient nonlinearity correction (needs scanner specific proprietary file containing the coefficients of the gradient system) [7,8]
- (needs
- includes b-vector correction (gradient nonlinearity correction leads to different b-values/b-vectors in different voxels)
Brain masking (Antspy & Antspynet) [9]
Spherical harmonic decomposition to get spherical average per shell & per voxel (MRtrix3: amp2sh [11] or maximum-likelihood estimator [18])
Take the 0th order spherical harmonic and divide by
$\sqrt{4\pi}$ to get the powder average [10] -
Calculate axon radius maps [12,13]
Calculate relative SNR maps
White matter masking of axon radius maps (FSL FAST [14] & FSL FLIRT [15, 16])
Along-fibre quantification currently only along the left CST (using Dipy & pyAFQ for along-fibre quantification [17,19] and MrTrix for tractography [11])
- MRtrix3 (needs up to commit 3853c58 from, that fixes a bug in the Rician bias correction)
- FSL v6.0.7.3 (older version might work)
- gradunwarp (included submodule)
- AxonRadiusMapping (included submodule)
- Python 3.8 (incl. Numpy, Nibabel 3.2.2 (< version 4))
- Matlab R2019b
- Antspy v0.3.8
- Antspynet v0.2.3
- Dipy v1.7.0
- PyAFQ v1.1
- nipype v1.8.6
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