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Malik Singleton edited this page Dec 8, 2018 · 2 revisions


Coursework and assignments are weighed as follows:

Item Points
Assignment 1 10
Assignment 2 20
Assignment 3 20
Final 20
Presentation 5
Attendance 15
Participation 10


This course's grading scale follows the same scale established by our parent institution, CUNY Graduate Center, as outlined in the GC Student Handbook. View PDF, see pg. 53

Grade Percentage GPA Definition
A+ 97-100 4.0
A 93-96 4.0 Excellent
A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0 Good

Do not let your grade, or your overall GPA, fall below this point. Each mark listed in the following table is bad news.

Grade Percentage GPA Definition
B- 80-82 2.7 Academic probation
C+ 77-79 2.3
C 73-76 2.0 Fair (a grade of C is the lowest passing grade in the graduate division)
C- 70-72 1.7
D+ 67-69 1.3
D 60-66 1.0
F 0-59 0.0
W Withdrew (official, does not affect GPA)
WN Never attended, never withdrew (does not affect GPA)
WD Dropped course in the 2nd/3rd week of semester (does not affect GPA)
WU 0 0.0 Stopped attending, never withdrew (failing grade)
INC Incomplete (temporary grade requested by student)
FIN 0 0.0 Failed incomplete (grade assigned when INC is not resolved by the following semester, failing grade)
P Pass (grade of A+ through D earned in a course for which student elected the P/NC option, does not affect GPA)
NC No Credit (grade of F earned in course for which student elected the P/NC option or when first semester freshmen fail a class, does not affect GPA)
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