This is a modified verion of Labelme which permit label keypoint quickly with pre-defined class
- Ubuntu / macOS / Windows
- Python3
- PyQt5 / PySide2
There are options:
- Platform agnostic installation: Anaconda
- Platform specific installation: Ubuntu, macOS, Windows
- Pre-build binaries from the release section
clone the repo, create anaconda environment, then run below:
pip install -e .
labelme --config [path to con file]
- open the image folder
- Ctrl+N for create new point
- E for modify the existing point
- Left click, right click, middle click to create new point for coresponding class that specify in config file
- Ctrl + Left click, right click, middle click to create new point for coresponding class that specify in config file
- Ctrl + Z for undo
This repo is the modified version of