This project aims at investigating the potential of machine learning in forecasting the best stocks in the long-term. The idea underlying the project is to use machine learning to predict which stocks will increase their value by a certain threshold after a certain number of years. Stocks coming from the US stock exchanges (NYSE, NASDAQ) are used and their value at the end of a training period (ten years) is compared with that after additional one, three and five years. The model proposed will be trained by using fundamental data, that is data coming from Balance Sheet, Cash Flow and Income Statement, combined with technical data (stock price and volume) as opposed to active investing where the stock price is used along with the metrics derived from it. From a technical point of view this is a supervised multilabel binary classification
The project has been subdivided into three stages and one demo
- NYSE and NASDAQ stocks active over the whole period between the first quarter of 2000 and the last quarter of 2014. The other stocks have been excluded.
- Data have been transposed so to have the tickers as the indexes and it has been used a multiIndex format
- Technical data (adjusted price and volume) and fundamental data are merged
- Gaps are filled, empty or duplicated features dropped
- Scale and standardize data
- Store dataframe into dataset_full.csv (1555 stocks, 21 features, 40 quarters, 3 classes)
- Use PCA to create a compressed dataframe (1555 stocks, 18 features, 3 classes), df_full_pca
- Use LDA to create a compressed dataframe (1555 stocks, 3 features, 3 classes), df_full_lda
- Use df_full_pca and df_full_lda
- First test cycle with cross-validation: PCA + LR, RF, MLP (without and with Label Powerset)
- First test cycle with cross-validation: LDA + LR, RF, MLP (without and with Label Powerset)
- Second test cycle with cross-validation: LDA + SVM, SGD, KNN, NB, DT
- Third test cycle with cross-validation: LDA + VotingClassifier(3) with (LR, RF, MLP, SVM, SGD, KNN, NB, DT)
- Third test cycle with cross-validation: LDA + GradientBoostingClassifier
- This demo uses only the class 3 (ie. the stock price after 5 years)
- Load the data from dataset_with_classes.csv
- Create a multiindex dataframe with a balanced number of stocks (735 + 735)
- Scale and standardize the data
- Run the LDA to reduce dimensionality and separate x and the three Ys
- Run the three best algorithms (RF, SVM, KNN) and print the metrics
- Run the best ensemble method (Voting Classifier with RF, SVM, MLP) and print the metrics
- Using the ensemble method, print the forecast and the actual output for 100 stocks as well as the increase %