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A select component written in Elm 0.19


elm install mercurymedia/elm-smart-select

In Action

Single Select


Multi Select



This package exposes four modules SingleSelect, SingleSelectRemote, MultiSelect and MultiSelectRemote. The Single pickers can be used to pick a single element while the Multi pickers are used to select a list of elements. The pickers without a suffix select from preloaded data whereas the Remote pickers query a remote source. To keep things simple, the documentation here focuses on the SingleSelect. For more information, refer to the module documentation and examples.

There are 7 steps to configure a SmartSelect:

  1. Import the select and add it to your model providing the datatype of the data to be selected.
import SingleSelect

type alias Product =
    { id : Int
    , name : String
    , price : String

type alias Model =
    { products : List Product
    , select : SingleSelect.SmartSelect Msg Product
  1. Define a Msg to handle updates from the select.
type Msg
    = ...
    | HandleSelectUpdate (SingleSelect.Msg Product)
  1. Configure the Settings for the select. The internalMsg field takes a function that expects a SingleSelect.Msg and returns the Msg we defined in step 2. Please refer to the module documentation for more information on the settings.
selectSettings : SingleSelect.Settings Msg Product
selectSettings =
    { internalMsg = \msg -> HandleSelectUpdate msg
    , searchFn =
        \searchText products ->
            List.filter (\product -> String.contains (String.toLower searchText) (String.toLower products
    , optionType = "Product"
    , optionLabelFn = \product ->
    , optionDescriptionFn = \product -> product.price
    , optionsContainerMaxHeight = 300
    , closeOnSelect = True
  1. Initialize the select. The init function takes in the select settings. In the event you wish to init a select with a previously picked entity, simply pipe the result of the init to SingleSelect.setSelected passing the previous selection.
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( { products = products
      , select = SingleSelect.init selectSettings

products : List Product
products =
    [ { id = 1
      , name = "product 1"
      , price = "$3.00"
    , { id = 2
      , name = "product 2"
      , price = "$5.00"
  1. View the select. Call SingleSelect.view. Note: The view functions for each of the modules expect slightly different arguments from one another. Please refer to the relevant module documentation for further information.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ ...
        , div
            [ style "width" "500px" ]
            [ SingleSelect.view False model.products ]
  1. Update the select. Here is where we handle the Msg we defined in step 2. As indicated before, the message carries with it a SingleSelect.Msg for updating the select component.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of

        HandleSelectUpdate sMsg ->
                ( updatedSelect, selectCmd ) =
                    SingleSelect.update sMsg
            ( { model | select = updatedSelect }, selectCmd )

SingleSelect.upate returns an updated smart select instance and a cmd.

You might be wondering were the selected state is. The smart select stores the select state and exposes a selected method to retrieve it. Call this method when you need the selected entity/entities.

  1. Setup the select subscription. The select module uses a subscription to determine when to close (outside of a selection). Wire the picker subscription like below.
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =


Examples can be found in the examples folder. To build the examples to view in the browser run: cd examples && make && cd .. from the root of the repository.


The CSS for the date picker is distributed separately and can be found here


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