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Signed-off-by: Marcello Seri <[email protected]>
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mseri committed Nov 16, 2021
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38 changes: 23 additions & 15 deletions 2-tangentbdl.tex
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\section{Let the fun begin!}
\newthought{It now remains to define derivatives} of functions between manifolds.
And, since we saw that euclidean spaces are manifolds, we must mke sure that our definition coincides with the usual one in Euclidean spaces.
And, since we saw that euclidean spaces are manifolds, we must mke sure that our definition coincides with the usual one in euclidean spaces.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,17 +449,17 @@ \section{Germs and derivations}

\begin{exercise}[Tangent vectors as equivalence classes of charts and vectors]
Let $M$ be a smooth $m$-manifolds with maximal smooth atlas $\Sigma$.
For $p\in M$, let $\Sigma_p \subset \Sigma$ denote the set of charts $\varphi\in\Sigma$ such that $p$ lies in the image of $\varphi$.
Let $M$ be a smooth $m$-manifold with maximal smooth atlas $\cA$.
For $p\in M$, let $\cA_p \subset \cA$ denote the set of charts $\varphi\in\cA$ such that $p$ lies in the domain of $\varphi$.
\item Show that
(v,\varphi) \sim (w, \psi)
D(\psi \circ \varphi^{-1})(\varphi(p))v = w.
defines an equivalence relation on $\R^m\times\Sigma_p$.
\item Let $\cT_p$ denote the set of equivalence classes $[(v,\varphi)]\in \R^m\times\Sigma_p/\!\sim$. For $\varphi\in\Sigma_p$, show that the map $T_\varphi:\R^m\to\cT_p$ given by $T_\varphi v := [(v,\varphi)]$ is a bijection.
defines an equivalence relation on $\R^m\times\cA_p$.
\item Let $\cT_p$ denote the set of equivalence classes $[(v,\varphi)]\in \R^m\times\cA_p/\!\sim$. For $\varphi\in\cA_p$, show that the map $T_\varphi:\R^m\to\cT_p$ given by $T_\varphi v := [(v,\varphi)]$ is a bijection.
Deduce\footnote{Hint: use the previous exercise!} that $\cT_p$ admits a unique vector space structure such that each $T_\varphi$ is a linear isomorphism.
\item Let $\varphi$ be a chart defined on a neighbourhood of $p$ with local coordinates $x^i = r^i \circ \varphi$ and let $\hat T_\varphi :\R^m \to T_pM$ denote\footnote{As it turns out, this is the same as $T_x$ defined in~\eqref{def:lin_iso_Tp}, however in this exercise we use a different notation to emphasize the dependence on the chart.} the linear isomorphism defined by $\hat T_\varphi e_i = \frac{\partial}{\partial x^i}\big|_p$.
Show that there exists a linear isomorphism $\mathcal{S}_p:\cT_p\to T_pM$ which in addition satisfies $\mathcal{S}_p \circ T_\varphi = \hat T_\varphi$ for every chart $\varphi$ about $p$.
Expand All @@ -468,24 +468,31 @@ \section{Germs and derivations}

\section{The differential of a smooth map}\label{sec:diffsmooth}

\newthought{In the case of a smooth map between Euclidean spaces}, the total derivative of the map at a point (represented by its Jacobian matrix) is a linear map that represents the best linear approximation to the map near the given point.
\newthought{In the case of a smooth map between euclidean spaces}, the total derivative of the map at a point (represented by its Jacobian matrix) is a linear map that represents the best linear approximation to the map near the given point.
\marginnote{If you are curious about what happens if you consider higher order approximations, try to look up \emph{Jet Space} with your favourite search engine.}
In the manifold case there is a similar linear map but, as we discussed, it makes no sense to talk about a linear map between manifolds: we need to find a suitable linear map between tangent spaces.

It should not come a surprise that with the constructions developed so far not only do we have one such map, but we can directly relate it to a derivative.

Let $F: M \to N$ be a smooth map between the smooth manifolds $M$ and $N$.
Let $p\in M$. The \emph{differential $d F_p$ of $F$ at $p$} is the map\footnote{In the differential geometry literature, the differential has many names: you can find it called \emph{tangent map}, \emph{total derivative} or \emph{derivative} of $F$. Since it ``pushes'' tangent vectors forward from the domain manifold to the codomain, it is also called the \emph{pushforward}. If that was not enough, different authors use different notations for it: besides $dF_p(v)$, you can find $F_* v_p$, $F'(p)$, $T_pF$, $DF(p)[v]$ or variations thereof.}
Let $F: M \to N$ be a smooth map between the smooth manifolds $M$ and $N$, and let $p\in M$.
The \emph{differential $d F_p$ of $F$ at $p$} is the map\footnote{In the differential geometry literature, the differential has many names: you can find it called \emph{tangent map}, \emph{total derivative} or \emph{derivative} of $F$.
Since it ``pushes'' tangent vectors forward from the domain manifold to the codomain, it is also called the \emph{pushforward}. If that was not enough, different authors use different notations for it: besides $dF_p(v)$, you can find $F_* v_p$, $F'(p)$, $T_pF$, $DF(p)[v]$ or variations thereof.}
d F_p : T_p M \to T_{F(p)} N, \qquad d F_p (v) (f) := v(f\circ F), \quad \forall f\in C^\infty(N).

Indeed, $v \mapsto d F_p (v)$ is a linear map (why?) defining a derivation at $F(p)$ acting on functions in $C^\infty(N)$ (why?) and, as such, is also a tangent vector in $T_F(p)N$.
Indeed, $v \mapsto d F_p (v)$ is a linear map (why?) defining a derivation at $F(p)$ acting on functions in $C^\infty(N)$ (why?) and, as such, is also a tangent vector in $T_{F(p)}N$.

Answer the two \emph{(why?)} above.
Let $M = \R^3$ and $N = \R^2$ with coordinates $x=(x^1,x^2,x^3)$ and $y=(y^1,y^2)$ respectively.
Consider the function $F(x^1,x^2,x^3) = (x^1 x^3, (x^2)^2-1)$.
What is $d F_{(1,1,1)} \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x^1} - 2 \frac{\partial}{\partial x^2}\right)$?

\begin{theorem}[The chain rule on manifolds]\label{thm:chainrule_mfld}
Let $M, N, P$ be smooth manifolds and $F: M \to N$, $G: N\to P$ be two smooth maps. Then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -558,7 +565,7 @@ \section{The differential of a smooth map}\label{sec:diffsmooth}
&T_y : \R^n \to T_y\R^n,\quad T_y e_i' = \frac{\partial}{\partial y^i}\Big|_y
where $\{e_1,\ldots,e_m\}$ denotes the standard basis of $\R^m$ and $\{e_1',\ldots,e_m'\}$ denotes the standard basis of $\R^n$.
where $\{e_1,\ldots,e_m\}$ denotes the standard basis of $\R^m$ and $\{e_1',\ldots,e_n'\}$ denotes the standard basis of $\R^n$.

On the one hand, we have the total derivative $Df(x):\R^m\to\R^n$ from multivariable calculus: a linear map, the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives.
On the other, we have the differential $df_x : T_x \R^m \to T_{f(x)}\R^m$ defined above: also a linear map, related to the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives by Proposition~\ref{prop:DiffCoords}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -618,7 +625,7 @@ \section{The differential of a smooth map}\label{sec:diffsmooth}
For example, since $GL_n(\R)$ is an open submanifold of the vector space $\mathrm{Mat}(n, \R)$, we can identify its tangent space at each point $X\in GL_n(\R)$ with the full space of matrices $\mathrm{Mat}(n, \R)$.

\begin{exercise}[Tangent space of a product manifold]
Let $M_1, \ldots, M_k$ be smooth manifolds (without boundary\sidenote[][-8em]{The statement is true also if one (only one!) of the $M_i$ spaces is a smooth manifold with boundary. If there is more than one manifold with boundary, the product space will have ``corners'' that cannot be mapped to half spaces and thus is not a smooth manifold, as a simple example you can consider the closed square $[0,1]\times [0,1]$.}), and for each $j$ let $\pi_j:M_1\times\cdots\times M_k \to M_j$ be the projection onto the $M_j$ factor.
Let $M_1, \ldots, M_k$ be smooth manifolds (without boundary\footnote{The statement is true also if one (only one!) of the $M_i$ spaces is a smooth manifold with boundary. If there is more than one manifold with boundary, the product space will have ``corners'' that cannot be mapped to half spaces and thus is not a smooth manifold, as a simple example you can consider the closed square $[0,1]\times [0,1]$.}), and for each $j$ let $\pi_j:M_1\times\cdots\times M_k \to M_j$ be the projection onto the $M_j$ factor.
For any point $p=(p_1,\ldots,p_k)\in M_1\times\cdots\times M_k$, the map
\sigma &: T_p(M_1\times\cdots\times M_k) \to T_p M_1\times\cdots\times T_p M_k\\
Expand All @@ -638,6 +645,10 @@ \section{The differential of a smooth map}\label{sec:diffsmooth}

\section{Tangent vectors as tangents to curves}


Exercise~\ref{ex:tg_curve_iso} may have left some thoughts hanging in the air...
From the look of it, it seems that there is a relation between tangent spaces and the velocity of a body moving with constant speed.
In this section we will further explore these thoughts.
Expand All @@ -646,9 +657,6 @@ \section{Tangent vectors as tangents to curves}
If $M$ is a manifold with or without boundary, we define a \emph{(parametrized) curve in M} to be a smooth\footnote{Continuously differentiable would be enough, but assuming it smooth simplifies the exposition.} map $\gamma : I \to M$, where $I=(a,b)\subseteq\R$ is an interval.
\marginnote{Conventionally, $b=-a=\epsilon>0$ (the reason will be clear in a second) and we denote the coordinate on $\R$ by $t$ and the derivative of $\gamma$ at a point $t$ by $\gamma'(t)$. We say that a curve \emph{starts at $p\in M$} if $0\in I$ and $\gamma(0) = p$.}

Fix $t\in(a,b)$.
A priori we have two different ways to define the \emph{velocity vector of $\gamma$ at a time $t$}, that is, an element $\gamma'(t) \in T_{\gamma(t)}M$:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1269,7 +1277,7 @@ \section{Submanifolds}
p^\perp := \big\{q\in\R^3 \;\mid\; \left\langle p, q\right\rangle = 0\big\},
where $\left\langle\cdot,\cdot\right\rangle$ is the usual Euclidean dot product. The latter directly comes from computing $dF_p$ and its kernel, which we essentially already did in Example~\ref{ex:s2}.
where $\left\langle\cdot,\cdot\right\rangle$ is the usual euclidean dot product. The latter directly comes from computing $dF_p$ and its kernel, which we essentially already did in Example~\ref{ex:s2}.
Take a long deep breath and unfold the definitions in~\eqref{ex:tan_sph}, here it may be useful to draw a picture\footnote{Which is generally always the case in geometry and topology, and most other mathematical fields.}.
Equation~\eqref{ex:tan_sph} implies that the tangent space to $\bS^2$ at a point $p$ is the plane tangent to $\bS^2$ at $p$, as claimed in Figure~\ref{fig:tan-embedded-sphere}.
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