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@cblandrewa cblandrewa released this 30 Dec 15:00
· 2 commits to master since this release

v2.53.364 - 2022-12-30


  • Get-MBSBackupPlan: NBF plans - incorrect frequency is set if 'DayOfWeek' includes all days and the initial frequency is not 'Weekly'
  • Get-MBSBackupPlan: NBF plans - 'DayOfWeek' for monthly incremental schedule is not set
  • Get-MBSBackupPlan: NBF plans - 'DayOfMonth' value is not set if frequency is 'DayOfMonth'
  • Get-MBSBackupPlan: NBF plans - 'RepeatInterval' and 'RepeatStartDate' are not set


  • Get-MBSBackupPlan: RAW output type now returns NBF backup plans in their source (not converted) format in the same form as CBF backup plans
  • Edit-MBSBackupPlan: adding and disabling file/folder exclusions for Image-Based backup plans improvements (MBS Backup Agent release 7.8.2)
  • Stop-MBSPlan: force stop improvements (MBS Backup Agent release 7.8.2)
  • Get-MBSAgentSetting, Get-MBSStorageAccount: added checks for cases when 'enginesettings.list' is empty, corrupt or incorrect format
  • Get-MBSAPIBuild: added RMM build type
  • Get-MBSAPIBuild: renamed build type values for convenience. Possible values - 'Windows','VMEdition','LinuxDEB','LinuxRPM','macOS','RMM'
  • Request-MBSAPIBuild: introduced enums for -BuildType and -BuildEditions parameters
  • Remove-MBSAgent, Remove-CONAgent, Remove-RMMAgent: output message improvements
  • Set-MSP360ModuleSettings: added -SkipEngineSettingsListCheck parameter for cases when some cmdlets do not work properly if 'enginesettings.list' is not present (e.g. after MBS Backup Agent clean install, before assigning a backup user)