This project implements a library to simplify the generation of OpenQASM files, the de facto standard when it comes to instructing quantum computers. Additionally, the project contains python bindings to use the library as an extension in python.
OpenQASM is considered the de facto standard as an intermediate representation, a step in between the problem formulation and the physical implementation on actual quantum hardware. Almost every current quantum computer compiler supports it. The problem lies in its generation, since it is mostly done by hand as for today, which is tedious and will be unapplicable as systems and problems to solve increase in their complexity in the future.
Some advancements in the direction of simplyfing the process have already been done, e.g. the Qiskit library to generate OpenQASM files from the problem's python code implementation.
Here we present an algorithm, implemented as library in C++, who's input is as simple as a text file consisting of strings and numbers. Further, we make use of available resources by utilizing parallel computing frameworks.
The text file to feed into the algorithm consists of a string where each character represents a single qubit of the target
hardware. Using the pauli basis as a complete basis set, able to represent any arbitrary qubit state operation,
the possible characters are I
(Identity matrix), X
(Pauli-X), Y
(Pauli-Y), and Z
(Pauli-Z). Further, coefficients
and parameters for each operator are possible to implement ansätze used in the variational quantum context. Coefficients
can be optimized in the optimization loop of expectation minimization of the energy eigenstates. Parameters can be used
to group individual operators, reducing the computational cost in the optimization loop. Groupted operators, sharing the
same parameter, are optimized in relation to one another.
The overall input file looks something similar to this:
The sequential version implementation of the algorithm may work with any compiler on any given system supporting C++. To be able to use the parallel version of the algorithm, different frameworks and compilers may be needed. Following are tested and working combinations, but others may also be applicable.
- GCC 9 or higher
- cmake 3.23 or higher
To use parallelism, following frameworks must be installed:
A tutorial on how to install the library as python extension and use it can be found in the accompanying jupyter notebook.
As a quick setup guide clone the repository and change into the directory. Perform the following commands with your appropriate paths.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path_or_alias/to/your/gcc-binary -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path_or_alias/to/your/g++-binary -DPYTHON_LIBRARY_DIR="<your_path_to_your_site-packages>" -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="<your_path_to_your_python_binary>"
cmake --build .
cmake --install .
(The compiler must only be provided if the GCC is not yet the default compiler. Quotation marks are necessary!)
We can specify six different variables. The only variable that must be set is the path to the input file. This variable is positional, meaning we need to specify this variable first when calling the function. All other variables are key-word only. In order to specify them you have to set the variable at call in the standard pythonic way, e.g. use_omp=True.
version The version can be set to be OpenQASM v2 or v3. The differences include the header specific to that version in the output OpenQASM file and the capability to deal with unspecified parameters. If not provided or set to a value other than 2 or 3, the default version used is version 3, which supports parameterization.
use_omp If parallelization is supported by your system, it is enabled by default. One can, for scientific/benchmarking purposes for example, decide which parallelization framework to use. If set to True OpenMP is the underlying parallelization framework, otherwise and by default the C++17 execution policies are used. These have the added advantage of automatic compiler optimization, leaving less room for unnecassary occupancy of resources or errors in general. If one wishes, he can tailor the OpenMP implementation in the C++ library source code to his specific needs.
parameterize Set this variable to parameterize the given ansatz. To indicate commuting operators we use the grouping/parameter index in the input file. These commuting operators share the same parameter. Non-parameterized circuits can also be generated by setting this variable to false.
output_fn If specified, the OpenQASM representation is written to the file in that location. This value is optional. Nevertheless, the output of the function is still accessible in the current session, e.g. stored in a variable bound to that call.
multiplier Value to be multiplied to each operator. Again, this is an optional parameter which has no default.