Providing examples about parallelism, processes, threads, concurrency, and related topics. I started with Java
, and soon I will also add C++
and Rust
- Thread Safety and Race Conditions
- Services Initialization
- Executing Threads Alternately
- Examples on Thread Safety and Race Conditions
A race condition occurs when multiple threads or processes try to change shared resource simultaneously which can lead to undesirable results.
has some examples on how race conditions happen and why thread safety is important.
A common scenario when using multiple threads is that you need to wait for some services to initialize before proceeding. For that CountDownLatch
could be used, to ensure a condition is met before proceeding.
we need certain order of execution when we are running multiple threads.
One approach to execute two threads in an alternating order is to use Semaphore
where each thread acquires its own semaphore and releases the semaphore for the other thread.
has an example alternating between two
has an example alternating between three threads.
a number of threads try to increment the counter, without handling race conditions, the threads read inconsistent state of the counter, so maybe both read 10 at the same time and increment it to 11. This results in wrong final value:
void incCounterWrong() {
Final Counter: 19762
In this example we used lock
which a thread must gain before it can execute the code within that code block. If the lock is held by another thread, other threads are blocked. Handling of race condition using lock
private final Object lock;
void incCounter() {
synchronized (lock) {
Final Counter: 20000
In this scenario, the whole method is synchronized. This means all synchronized methods share the same lock on the class instance level, which means that no other synchronized method is allowed to execute simultaneously:
synchronized void incCounterSync() {
Final Counter: 20000
provides a wrapper around the int so that you can call the operation and the synchronization is handled inside without you handling it. It uses Compare-and-Swap (CAS)
to ensure thread safety without using locks
private AtomicInteger atomicCounter;
void incAtomicCounter() {
Final Counter: 20000