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Fixing ecnconfig command (sonic-net#14442)
Description of PR Summary: Fixing ecnconfig command where -q was missing Fixes # (issue) sonic-net#14126 Approach What is the motivation for this PR? How did you do it? How did you verify/test it? Any platform specific information? Supported testbed topology if it's a new test case? Documentation ###OUTPUT ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-7.4.0, pluggy-1.3.0 -- /usr/bin/python3 cachedir: .pytest_cache metadata: {'Python': '3.8.10', 'Platform': 'Linux-5.4.0-150-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.29', 'Packages': {'pytest': '7.4.0', 'pluggy': '1.3.0'}, 'Plugins': {'allure-pytest': '2.8.22', 'ansible': '4.0.0', 'forked': '1.6.0', 'html': '4.1.0', 'metadata': '3.0.0', 'repeat': '0.9.3', 'xdist': '1.28.0'}} ansible: 2.13.13 rootdir: /var/AzDevOps/sonic-mgmt/tests configfile: pytest.ini plugins: allure-pytest-2.8.22, ansible-4.0.0, forked-1.6.0, html-4.1.0, metadata-3.0.0, repeat-0.9.3, xdist-1.28.0 collecting ... ----------------------------- live log collection ------------------------------ 22:57:46 conftest.generate_params_dut_hostname L1210 INFO | Using DUTs ['sonic-s6100-dut1'] in testbed 'vms-snappi-sonic' 22:57:46 conftest.set_rand_one_dut_hostname L0418 INFO | Randomly select dut sonic-s6100-dut1 for testing 22:57:46 init.pytest_collection_modifyitems L0581 INFO | Available basic facts that can be used in conditional skip: { "topo_type": "ptf", "topo_name": "ptf64", "testbed": "vms-snappi-sonic" } collected 1 item snappi_tests/ecn/ -------------------------------- live log setup -------------------------------- 22:57:46 init.set_default L0053 INFO | Completeness level not set during test execution. Setting to default level: CompletenessLevel.basic 22:57:46 init.check_test_completeness L0151 INFO | Test has no defined levels. Continue without test completeness checks 22:57:46 conftest.enhance_inventory L0245 INFO | Inventory file: ['../ansible/snappi-sonic'] 22:57:52 ptfhost_utils.run_icmp_responder_session L0239 INFO | Skip running icmp_responder at session level, it is only for dualtor testbed with active-active mux ports. 22:57:52 conftest.core_dump_and_config_check L2154 INFO | Dumping Disk and Memory Space informataion before test on sonic-s6100-dut1 22:57:52 conftest.core_dump_and_config_check L2158 INFO | Collecting core dumps before test on sonic-s6100-dut1 22:57:53 conftest.core_dump_and_config_check L2167 INFO | Collecting running config before test on sonic-s6100-dut1 22:57:55 init.sanity_check L0306 INFO | Skip sanity check according to command line argument 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0081 INFO | -------------------- fixture enable_packet_aging_after_test setup starts -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0085 INFO | -------------------- fixture enable_packet_aging_after_test setup ends -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0081 INFO | -------------------- fixture rand_lossless_prio setup starts -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0085 INFO | -------------------- fixture rand_lossless_prio setup ends -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0081 INFO | -------------------- fixture rand_lossy_prio setup starts -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0085 INFO | -------------------- fixture rand_lossy_prio setup ends -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0081 INFO | -------------------- fixture start_pfcwd_after_test setup starts -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0085 INFO | -------------------- fixture start_pfcwd_after_test setup ends -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_func_decorator L0069 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_api_serv_ip setup starts -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_func_decorator L0076 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_api_serv_ip setup ends -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_func_decorator L0069 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_api_serv_port setup starts -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_func_decorator L0076 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_api_serv_port setup ends -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0081 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_api setup starts -------------------- 22:57:55 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0085 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_api setup ends -------------------- 22:57:55 conftest.rand_one_dut_front_end_hostname L0450 INFO | Randomly select dut sonic-s6100-dut1 for testing 22:57:56 conftest.generate_port_lists L1279 INFO | Generate dut_port_map: {'sonic-s6100-dut1': ['sonic-s6100-dut1|Ethernet0', 'sonic-s6100-dut1|Ethernet4']} 22:57:56 conftest.generate_port_lists L1302 INFO | Generate port_list: ['sonic-s6100-dut1|Ethernet0', 'sonic-s6100-dut1|Ethernet4'] 22:57:56 init._fixture_func_decorator L0069 INFO | -------------------- fixture prio_dscp_map setup starts -------------------- 22:57:56 init._fixture_func_decorator L0076 INFO | -------------------- fixture prio_dscp_map setup ends -------------------- 22:57:56 init.loganalyzer L0051 INFO | Log analyzer is disabled 22:57:56 init.memory_utilization L0091 INFO | Hostname: sonic-s6100-dut1, Hwsku: Accton-AS7726-32X, Platform: x86_64-accton_as7726_32x-r0 22:57:56 init.store_fixture_values L0017 INFO | store memory_utilization test_dequeue_ecn 22:57:56 init._fixture_func_decorator L0069 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_testbed_config setup starts -------------------- 22:57:57 init._fixture_func_decorator L0076 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_testbed_config setup ends -------------------- 22:57:57 init.pytest_runtest_setup L0024 INFO | collect memory before test test_dequeue_ecn 22:57:58 init.pytest_runtest_setup L0044 INFO | Before test: collected memory_values {'before_test': {'sonic-s6100-dut1': {'monit': {'memory_usage': 15.3}}}, 'after_test': {'sonic-s6100-dut1': {}}} -------------------------------- live log call --------------------------------- 22:57:58 test_dequeue_ecn_with_snappi.test_dequeu L0066 INFO | Running ECN dequeue test with params: {'kmin': 50000, 'kmax': 51000, 'pmax': 100} 22:57:58 helper.run_ecn_test L0058 INFO | Stopping PFC watchdog 22:57:58 helper.run_ecn_test L0060 INFO | Disabling packet aging if necessary 22:57:58 helper.run_ecn_test L0064 INFO | Configuring WRED and ECN thresholds 22:58:00 helper.run_ecn_test L0072 INFO | Enabling ECN markings 22:58:03 helper.run_ecn_test L0081 INFO | Waiting on ECN and dynamic buffer configuration to take effect. Sleeping for 10 seconds. 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0097 INFO | Generating base flow config 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0102 INFO | Setting test flow config params 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0110 INFO | Setting pause flow config params 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0124 INFO | Generating test flows 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0130 INFO | Generating pause flows 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0141 INFO | Setting packet capture port to Port 1 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0145 INFO | Running 1 iteration(s) 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0147 INFO | Running iteration 0 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0149 INFO | Packet capture file: ECN_cap-0.pcapng 22:58:13 helper.run_ecn_test L0156 INFO | Running traffic 22:58:13 connection._warn L0246 WARNING| Verification of certificates is disabled 22:58:13 connection._info L0243 INFO | Determining the platform and rest_port using the address... 22:58:13 connection._warn L0246 WARNING| Unable to connect to 22:58:13 connection._info L0243 INFO | Connection established to on linux 22:58:36 connection._info L0243 INFO | Using IxNetwork api server version 10.20.2403.2 22:58:36 connection._info L0243 INFO | User info IxNetwork/ixnetworkweb/admin-62-23797 22:58:37 L1132 INFO | snappi-0.9.1 22:58:37 L1132 INFO | snappi_ixnetwork-0.8.2 22:58:37 L1132 INFO | ixnetwork_restpy-1.0.64 22:58:38 L1132 INFO | Config validation 0.013s 22:58:41 L1132 INFO | Ports configuration 2.098s 22:58:41 L1132 INFO | Captures configuration 0.631s 22:58:44 L1132 INFO | Add location hosts [] 2.458s 22:58:49 L1132 INFO | Location hosts ready [] 4.298s 22:58:49 L1132 INFO | Speed conversion is not require for (, speed) : [('Port 0', 'novusHundredGigNonFanOut'), ('Port 1', 'novusHundredGigNonFanOut')] 22:58:49 L1132 INFO | Aggregation mode speed change 0.549s 22:58:54 L1132 INFO | Location preemption [;1;5,;1;6] 0.241s 22:59:17 L1132 INFO | Location connect [Port 0, Port 1] 22.595s 22:59:17 snappi_api.warning L1138 WARNING| Port 0 connectedLinkDown 22:59:17 snappi_api.warning L1138 WARNING| Port 1 connectedLinkDown 22:59:17 L1132 INFO | Location state check [Port 0, Port 1] 0.455s 22:59:17 L1132 INFO | Location configuration 35.939s 22:59:27 L1132 INFO | Layer1 configuration 9.982s 22:59:28 L1132 INFO | Lag Configuration 0.160s 22:59:28 L1132 INFO | Convert device config : 0.412s 22:59:28 L1132 INFO | Create IxNetwork device config : 0.000s 22:59:29 L1132 INFO | Push IxNetwork device config : 0.849s 22:59:29 L1132 INFO | Devices configuration 1.397s 22:59:33 L1132 INFO | Flows configuration 4.227s 22:59:44 L1132 INFO | Start interfaces 10.798s 22:59:45 L1132 INFO | IxNet - The Traffic Item was modified. Please perform a Traffic Generate to update the associated traffic Flow Groups 22:59:45 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0322 INFO | Wait for Arp to Resolve ... 22:59:47 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0333 INFO | Starting packet capture ... 22:59:49 L1132 INFO | Captures start 1.911s 22:59:53 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0343 INFO | Starting transmit on all flows ... 22:59:58 L1132 INFO | Flows generate/apply 4.230s 23:00:10 L1132 INFO | Flows clear statistics 11.831s 23:00:11 L1132 INFO | Captures start 1.086s 23:00:15 L1132 INFO | Flows start 3.528s 23:00:16 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0380 INFO | Polling TGEN for in-flight traffic statistics... 23:00:20 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0388 INFO | Checking if all flows have stopped. Attempt #1 23:00:22 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0395 INFO | All test and background traffic flows stopped 23:00:24 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0406 INFO | Stopping packet capture ... 23:00:26 L1132 INFO | Captures stop 1.348s 23:00:26 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0412 INFO | Retrieving and saving packet capture to ECN_cap-0.pcapng 23:03:05 snappi_api.warning L1138 WARNING| Capture was not stopped for this port Port 1 23:03:05 L1132 INFO | Captures stop 158.173s 23:03:08 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0418 INFO | Dumping per-flow statistics 23:03:10 traffic_generation.run_traffic L0420 INFO | Stopping transmit on all remaining flows 23:03:11 read_pcap.get_ipv4_pkts L0080 INFO | Reading packets from pcap file -> ECN_cap-0.pcapng 23:03:11 read_pcap.get_ipv4_pkts L0081 INFO | Extracting ethernet frames from pcap file 23:03:11 test_dequeue_ecn_with_snappi.test_dequeu L0085 INFO | Running verification for ECN dequeue test 23:03:11 read_pcap.is_ecn_marked L0103 INFO | Checking if the packet is ECN congestion marked 23:03:11 read_pcap.is_ecn_marked L0103 INFO | Checking if the packet is ECN congestion marked 23:03:11 test_dequeue_ecn_with_snappi.test_dequeu L0098 INFO | Reloading config to teardown ECN config 23:03:11 config_reload.config_reload L0138 INFO | reloading config_db 23:04:52 processes_utils.wait_critical_processes L0076 INFO | Wait until all critical processes are healthy in 300 sec 23:04:52 processes_utils.all_critical_processes L0045 INFO | Check critical processes status PASSED [100%] ------------------------------ live log teardown ------------------------------- 23:04:56 init.pytest_runtest_teardown L0049 INFO | collect memory after test test_dequeue_ecn 23:04:57 init.pytest_runtest_teardown L0072 INFO | After test: collected memory_values {'before_test': {'sonic-s6100-dut1': {'monit': {'memory_usage': 15.3}}}, 'after_test': {'sonic-s6100-dut1': {'monit': {'memory_usage': 5.6}}}} 23:04:57 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0093 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_api teardown starts -------------------- 23:05:20 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0102 INFO | -------------------- fixture snappi_api teardown ends -------------------- 23:05:20 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0093 INFO | -------------------- fixture start_pfcwd_after_test teardown starts -------------------- 23:05:21 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0102 INFO | -------------------- fixture start_pfcwd_after_test teardown ends -------------------- 23:05:21 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0093 INFO | -------------------- fixture rand_lossy_prio teardown starts -------------------- 23:05:21 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0102 INFO | -------------------- fixture rand_lossy_prio teardown ends -------------------- 23:05:21 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0093 INFO | -------------------- fixture rand_lossless_prio teardown starts -------------------- 23:05:21 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0102 INFO | -------------------- fixture rand_lossless_prio teardown ends -------------------- 23:05:21 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0093 INFO | -------------------- fixture enable_packet_aging_after_test teardown starts -------------------- 23:05:21 init._fixture_generator_decorator L0102 INFO | -------------------- fixture enable_packet_aging_after_test teardown ends -------------------- 23:05:21 conftest.core_dump_and_config_check L2195 INFO | Dumping Disk and Memory Space informataion after test on sonic-s6100-dut1 23:05:22 conftest.core_dump_and_config_check L2199 INFO | Collecting core dumps after test on sonic-s6100-dut1 23:05:22 conftest.core_dump_and_config_check L2216 INFO | Collecting running config after test on sonic-s6100-dut1 23:05:23 conftest.core_dump_and_config_check L2344 WARNING| Core dump or config check failed for, results: {"core_dump_check": {"pass": true, "new_core_dumps": {"sonic-s6100-dut1": []}}, "config_db_check": {"pass": false, "pre_only_config": {"sonic-s6100-dut1": {"null": {}}}, "cur_only_config": {"sonic-s6100-dut1": {"null": {"PFC_WD": {"GLOBAL": {"POLL_INTERVAL": "200"}}}}}, "inconsistent_config": {"sonic-s6100-dut1": {"null": {}}}}} 23:05:23 conftest.__dut_reload L2086 INFO | dut reload called on sonic-s6100-dut1 23:05:23 config_reload.config_reload L0138 INFO | reloading config_db 23:08:45 parallel.on_terminate L0085 INFO | process __dut_reload-- terminated with exit code None 23:08:45 parallel.parallel_run L0221 INFO | Completed running processes for target "__dut_reload" in 0:03:22.578938 seconds =============================== warnings summary =============================== ../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/config/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/config/ PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: tests.common.plugins.loganalyzer self.import_plugin(import_spec) ../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/config/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/config/ PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: tests.common.plugins.sanity_check self.import_plugin(import_spec) ../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/config/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/config/ PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: tests.common.plugins.test_completeness self.import_plugin(import_spec) ../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/config/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/config/ PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: tests.common.dualtor self.import_plugin(import_spec) ../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/paramiko/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Blowfish has been deprecated "class": algorithms.Blowfish, ../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/scapy/layers/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/scapy/layers/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Blowfish has been deprecated cipher=algorithms.Blowfish, ../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/scapy/layers/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/scapy/layers/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: CAST5 has been deprecated cipher=algorithms.CAST5, snappi_tests/ecn/ snappi_tests/ecn/ snappi_tests/ecn/ snappi_tests/ecn/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pytest_ansible/module_dispatcher/ UserWarning: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available warnings.warn("provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available") snappi_tests/ecn/ /var/AzDevOps/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/snappi_ixnetwork/device/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.10 it will stop working from collections import namedtuple, Mapping snappi_tests/ecn/ snappi_tests/ecn/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ixnetwork_restpy/testplatform/sessions/ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. elif LooseVersion(build_number) < LooseVersion('8.52'): -- Docs: ---------------------------- live log sessionfinish ---------------------------- 23:08:45 init.pytest_terminal_summary L0067 INFO | Can not get Allure report URL. Please check logs ================== 1 passed, 14 warnings in 659.38s (0:10:59) ================== co-authorized by: [email protected]
- Loading branch information