Hello, this is @mstred and fog is my first move into Github as a open source contributor.
Although it's still under construction, this project is meant to be a plain example and template for creating new Java enterprise-driven apps.
fog is a fork from appfog/af-java-spring project. I really loved the idea behind @appfog building bootstrap projects to help with starting up their cloud nodes, and so I'm here to help spreading the source. The difference between fog and af-java-spring is in the project strucure and technologies that give life to the application.
For the library kit, it's set up in a Maven pom.xml file with the following core dependencies:
JavaServer Faces (with the addition of Primefaces tool set)
Java Persistence API (for Object-Relational database mapping, powered by Hibernate Implementation)
Spring Framework (Mainly for DI/IoC container features, but also to help with ORM features via Entity Manager injections and transaction management)