Sample implementation of generating access token from refresh token with spatie/dropbox-api.
by Masayuki Nii ([email protected])
The 'spatie/dropbox-api' is one of the PHP library for Dropbox API. The access token for authentication was just simple, but at mid-2021 it was changed. The access token terns to deactivate in short-lived period, and we have to regenerate it from the refresh token periodically. The refreshing feature is not implemented on 'spatie/dropbox-api' because it's not scope of the library from the descriptions on discussion board. This repository is the sample implementation of refreshing access tokens. In the readme page of 'spatie/dropbox-api' describes about AutoRefreshingDropBoxTokenService class, and here is the example of AutoRefreshingDropBoxTokenService class.
- Create Dropbox App on the Dropbox App Console. (
- Generate refresh token. (ex.
composer update
- Copy the credential_must_exists.php to credentials.php and fill it. You require to set the AppKey, AppSecret, Refresh Token, and file path to store the access token.
- Do the index.php. (ex.
php -S localhost:9000
and open that url with any browser)
You can install the package via composer:
composer require msyk/dropbox-api-shortlivedtoken
Or you can describe in the 'require' section of the composer.json file
The operations for your Dropbox area is the same way of 'spatie/dropbox-api', as like below. The Clinet class is coming from 'spatie/dropbox-api'. The AutoRefreshingDropBoxTokenService class has 4 parameter constructor. The cached access token is going to store the path in $tokenFilePath, so it must be a writable directory and file.
use Spatie\Dropbox\Client;
use msyk\DropboxAPIShortLivedToken\AutoRefreshingDropBoxTokenService;
try {
$tokenProvider = new AutoRefreshingDropBoxTokenService($refreshToken, $appKey, $appSecret, $tokenFilePath);
$client = new Client($tokenProvider);
$list = $client->listFolder("/");
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
var_export($ex->getMessage()); // Very simple output.
var_export($list); // Very simple output.
Thanks for the creators and committers of 'spatie/dropbox-api'.