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Statsite – Ansible Role

Latest Version Build Status

Ansible role to manage the installation and setup of Statsite.


Ansible 1.7 or greater. A working Python install of 2.7 or greater to build.

Role Variables

Useful variables that you may want to override. The configuration can also be managed in your own role using the ini ansible module or writing your own template out.

statsite_name: "statsite"
statsite_version: "0.7.1"
statsite_package_url: "{{statsite_version}}.tar.gz"
statsite_install_script: "/usr/local/bin/install_statsite"
statsite_binary_path: "/usr/local/bin/statsite{{statsite_version}}"
statsite_etc_dir: "/etc/statsite"
statsite_config_file: "{{statsite_etc_dir}}/{{statsite_name}}.conf"
statsite_log_file: "/var/log/{{statsite_name}}.log"
statsite_upstart_file: "/etc/init/{{statsite_name}}.conf"
statsite_logrotate_file: "/etc/logrotate.d/{{statsite_name}}"
statsite_group: "statsite"
statsite_user: "{{statsite_group}}"

# Config

# [statsite]
statsite_port: 8125
statsite_udp_port: 8125
statsite_log_level: "WARN"
statsite_flush_interval: 10
statsite_timer_eps: 0.01
statsite_set_eps: 0.02
statsite_stream_cmd: ""
statsite_daemonize: 0
statsite_binary_stream: false
statsite_pid_dir: "/var/run/statsite"
statsite_pidfile: "{{statsite_pid_dir}}/{{statsite_name}}.pid"


No role dependencies.

Example Playbook

Using the role in a playbook is as simple as adding the role. Pass in variables you want to override or you can manage the statsite config in a separate role.

- hosts: servers
     - role: mtchavez.statsite
     - { role: mtchavez.statsite, statsite_version: "1.7.0" }



Author Information

El Chavo - mtchavez - 2015