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instantiate module resolutions for meta-predicate lookups when expand… #597

instantiate module resolutions for meta-predicate lookups when expand…

instantiate module resolutions for meta-predicate lookups when expand… #597

GitHub Actions / Cargo test summary succeeded Dec 11, 2024 in 0s

All 56 tests pass, 1 skipped in 7m 26s

57 tests   56 ✅  7m 26s ⏱️
 4 suites   1 💤
 1 files     0 ❌

Results for commit dba9c9a.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Cargo test summary

1 skipped test found

There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
Raw output

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Cargo test summary

57 tests found

There are 57 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
arena::tests ‑ float_ptr_cast
arena::tests ‑ heap_cell_value_const_cast
arena::tests ‑ heap_put_literal_tests
heap_iter::tests ‑ heap_stackful_iter_tests
heap_iter::tests ‑ heap_stackful_post_order_iter
heap_iter::tests ‑ heap_stackless_iter_tests
heap_iter::tests ‑ heap_stackless_post_order_iter
heap_print::tests ‑ term_printing_tests
issues ‑ call_0
issues ‑ call_qualification
issues ‑ issue2588_load_html
machine::arithmetic_ops::tests ‑ arith_eval_by_metacall_tests
machine::copier::tests ‑ copier_tests
machine::gc::tests ‑ heap_marking_tests
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ atom_quoting
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ big_integer
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ complex_results
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ complicated_term
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ consult
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ differentiate_anonymous_variables
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ dont_return_partial_matches
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ dont_return_partial_matches_without_discountiguous
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ empty_predicate
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ failing_query
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ findall
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ issue_2341
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ list_results
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ non_existent_predicate_should_not_cause_panic_when_other_predicates_are_defined
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ order_of_variables_in_binding
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ programatic_query
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ query_iterator_backtracking_when_no_variables
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ query_iterator_determinism
machine::lib_machine::tests ‑ rational_number
machine::mock_wam::tests ‑ is_cyclic_term_tests
machine::mock_wam::tests ‑ test_term_compare
machine::mock_wam::tests ‑ test_unify_with_occurs_check
machine::mock_wam::tests ‑ unify_tests
machine::partial_string::test ‑ pstr_iter_tests
machine::stack::tests ‑ stack_tests
parser::char_reader::tests ‑ armenian_lorem_ipsum
parser::char_reader::tests ‑ greek_lorem_ipsum
parser::char_reader::tests ‑ greek_string
parser::char_reader::tests ‑ plain_string
parser::char_reader::tests ‑ russian_lorem_ipsum
parser::char_reader::tests ‑ russian_string
src_tests ‑ builtins
src_tests ‑ call_with_inference_limit
src_tests ‑ clpz_load
src_tests ‑ facts
src_tests ‑ hello_world
src_tests ‑ iso_conformity_tests
src_tests ‑ predicates
src_tests ‑ rules
src_tests ‑ setup_call_cleanup_load
src_tests ‑ syntax_error