Place this in your .vimrc
Plug 'mtikekar/vim-bsv'
… then run the following in Vim:
:source %
Syntax highlighting
Autocomplete options:
- From dictionary of words: ctrl-x ctrl-k
- From
ed files: ctrl-x ctrl-i - Above options are simply settings for vim's builtin
feature. Make it more useful with plugins like supertab or autocomplpop.
Move between matching keywords (%) with vim's built-in matchit plugin. Enable the plugin in vimrc:
if !exists('g:loaded_matchit') runtime! macros/matchit.vim endif
ed file: In normal mode, pressgf
(goto file) with cursor over file name. -
Code snippets for snipmate, or new snipmate
Rules for endwise
Features involving import
ed files use vim's path
option to look for the files. There are several ways to do this:
- Per project:
set exrc secure
, put a .vimrc in your project folder withset path=...
- Per file:
set modeline
, put a comment at the beginning of your code// vim:path=...
- Can export the per file setting globally with:
autocmd BufWinEnter *.bsv if &l:path != '' | let &path = &l:path | endif
- roll your own file format that can be read by both vim and your build script
Do :help path, :help exrc, :help modeline for more info.
I prefer the last option. In my top-level source folder, I have a file called "bsvpath". In vimrc:
function! BSVSetPath(srcdir)
let pathfile = a:srcdir . '/bsvpath'
if filereadable(pathfile)
set path=
for line in readfile(pathfile)
if line =~# '^[^$/]'
let line = simplify(a:srcdir . '/' . line)
execute "set path+=" . line
autocmd FileType bsv call BSVSetPath(expand('<afile>:p:h'))