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Fully reproducible, Dockerized, step-by-step, tutorial on training and serving a simple sklearn classifier model using mlflow. Detailed blog post published on Towards Data Science.

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I walk through this tutorial and others here on GitHub and on my Medium blog. Here is a friend link for open access to the article on Towards Data Science: Machine learning model serving for newbies with MLflow. I'll always add friend links on my GitHub tutorials for free Medium access if you don't have a paid Medium membership (referral link).

[edit 2024 Sep: I've updated this GitHub repo significantly since publishing my Towards Data Science article in order to upgrade to mlflow 2.16.2 The scripts have been updated, but the Jupyter notebook is now removed as legacy.]

If you find any of this useful, I always appreciate contributions to my Saturday morning fancy coffee fund!

This GitHub repo walks through an example of training a classifier model with sklearn and serving the model with mlflow. The first section saves the mlflow model locally to disk, and the second section shows how to use the mlflow registry for model tracking and versioning.


To skip through and run all components with Docker Compose you can run this whole tutorial with the registry:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build

You can access the mlflow registry UI on your localhost at port 8000.

Or to run the tutorial without the registry:

docker compose -f docker-compose-no-registry.yml up --build

with the model served on port 1234.

In either case, you can then make predictions as described in the relevant section below.

To run only mlflow with Docker (without using my sklearn classifier example), port forwarding to localhost:8000, you can use a compose file with the command below:

docker compose -f compose-server.yml up --build

Serving models with mlflow (no registry)

Train a model

The script uses the sklearn breast cancer dataset, trains a simple random forest classifier, and saves the model to local disk with mlflow. Adding the optional flag for writing output test data will split the training data first to add an example test data file.

python clf-model --outputTestData test.csv

Serve model to port 1234

Serve your trained clf-model to port 1234.

mlflow models serve -m clf-model -p 1234 -h --env-manager local

Serving models with mlflow (with registry)

Start an mlflow server for UI on port 8000

This uses a sqlite database backend and stores model artifacts at the local specified location.

mlflow server \
--backend-store-uri sqlite:///mlflow.db \
--default-artifact-root ./mlflow-artifact-root \
--host \
--port 8000

Train a model

The script uses the sklearn breast cancer dataset, trains a simple random forest classifier, overwrites the model predict method to return probabilities instead of classes, and saves and registers the model with mlflow. The newest model is moved to the mlflow Staging alias. Adding the optional flag for writing output test data will split the training data first to add an example test data file.

python clf-model "http://localhost:8000" --outputTestData test.csv

The model is now logged in the mlflow registry and visible in the UI under "my-experiment".

Serve model to port 1234

Serve your latest Staging version of the trained clf-model to port 1234.

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=http://localhost:8000
mlflow models serve -m models:/clf-model@Staging -p 1234 -h --env-manager local

Make predictions

For inference data in a file called test.csv, run the following:

curl http://localhost:1234/invocations  -H 'Content-Type: text/csv' --data-binary @test.csv

or just run the script below:

./ test.csv

This returns an array of predicted probabilities.

Cleaning up

If you're using Compose, when finished, shut down all containers with the following command:

docker compose down

Note well that the compose files mount volumes and write to the local directory.


Fully reproducible, Dockerized, step-by-step, tutorial on training and serving a simple sklearn classifier model using mlflow. Detailed blog post published on Towards Data Science.







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