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@muaz-khan muaz-khan released this 01 Feb 08:04
· 274 commits to master since this release

3.2.89 is latest release.

Relevant commit: 64199d5

  1. Now session is always kept ALIVE until autoCloseEntireSession is specified as TRUE.
  2. Manual stream.onended events are fired only for Firefox.
  3. Now participants doesn’t quickly tries to join all other participants; so no hang issues.
  4. Now it doesn’t renegotiates on datachannel close/error
  5. Now peers doesn’t auto rejoins on failures. You can manually call connection.rejoin in onPeerStateChanged or onReconnecting
  6. connection.deletePeer is added. Which removes everything (connections, streams, links etc) from specific peer.
  7. autoReDialOnFailure is removed. Because now it doesn’t auto rejoins.
  8. Now skipping bitrates/bandwidth customization for Android devices.