π Today I Learn
A collection of concise write-ups on small things I learn day to day across a variety of languages and technologies.
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Random Readings
Symmetric key encryption and decryption in cryptography: A Study of Fernet algorithm
The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers
- Native image lazy-loading for the web!
- Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift
- Second-guessing the modern web
- The melting pot of JavaScript
- Wiring-up tailwind.css
- Tailwindcss responsiveness
- Smooth scrolling using css
- Tailwindcss - Pseudo Class variants
- Tailwindcss - Adding base styles
- Preventing Page Scrolling on Modal Popup
- CSS Marker for
- Append Item to array
- Map can have empty-string, null or undefined as key
- cond-flow, lodash _cond | Elixir cond replication
- learn about jest - javascript and typescript test-runner
- Publish npm package
- Scope
- Hoisting - MDN
- What is closure
- Dynamic Imports
- Javascript - Introduction to Events
- [https://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_order.html](Event order)
- Object.is()
- Read files in JavaScript
- Capture Click Handlers
- Learn to use react-pdf-renderer to generate pdfs
- Learn to use react-pdf to view pdf file in react-app
- Building and deploying Next.js app on Netlify
- Learning about RBAC
- useMemo Hook
- Implement useState with useReducer
- Learning about plain Redux
- dispatch() is automatically injected from state's store to the component which uses connect