This is a plugin for fluentd event collector. This plugin adds the Flume compatible interface to fluentd.
Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data.
It uses Thrift, a cross-language RPC framework, to communicate between clients and servers.
The Flume plugin for fluentd, which enables fluentd to talk the Flume protocol. Flume protocol is defined as follows, in Thrift-IDL format:
typedef i64 Timestamp enum Priority { FATAL = 0, ERROR = 1, WARN = 2, INFO = 3, DEBUG = 4, TRACE = 5 } enum EventStatus { ACK = 0, COMMITED = 1, ERR = 2 } struct ThriftFlumeEvent { 1: Timestamp timestamp, 2: Priority priority, 3: binary body, 4: i64 nanos, 5: string host, 6: map<string,binary> fields } # Instead of using thrift's serialization, we just assume the contents are serialized already. struct RawEvent { 1: binary raw } service ThriftFlumeEventServer { oneway void append( 1:ThriftFlumeEvent evt ), oneway void rawAppend( 1:RawEvent evt), EventStatus ackedAppend( 1: ThriftFlumeEvent evt ), void close(), }
A value that is stored in the ThriftFlumeEvent.fields map is used as fluentd ‘tag’. A key of the value enables be specified by users as configuration parameter.
fluent-plugin-flume contains both input and output.
Please add the following configurations to fluent.conf.
# Flume input <source> type flume port 56789 </source>
These options are supported.
port: port number (default: 56789)
bind: bind address (default:
server_type: server architecture either in ‘simple’, ‘threaded’, ‘thread_pool’, (default: simple)
is_framed: use framed protocol or not (default: false)
tag_field: key name of fluentd ‘tag’ that is stored in ThriftFlumeEvent.fields (default: nil)
default_tag: default fluentd ‘tag’ (default: ‘category’)
add_prefix: prefix string, added to the tag (default: nil)
Please add the following configurations to fluent.conf. This allows fluentd to output its logs into another Flume server. Note that fluentd conveys semi-structured data while Flume conveys unstructured data. Thus the plugin translates semi-structured data into JSON data and conveys it to Flume.
# Flume output <match *> type flume host flume-host.local port 56789 </match>
These options are supported.
host: host name or address (default: localhost)
port: port number (default: 35863)
timeout: thrift protocol timeout (default: 30)
remove_prefix: prefix string, removed from the tag (default: nil)
- Copyright
Copyright © 2012 Treasure Data, Inc.
- License
Apache License, Version 2.0