The code for GPM-T and provide a demo of GPM-T+DCAN. We will upload the code as soon as possible.
We use Miniconda3 to manage our python environments.
conda create -n dcan python=3.7
conda activate dcan
conda install matplotlib tqdm joblib h5py
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
ActivityNet v1.3: We use the TSN feature extracted by the two-stream network. The frame interval is set to 16. Using linear interpolation, each video feature sequence is rescaled to L = 100 snippets.
THUMOS-14: We use the TSN feature extracted by the TSN network. The FPS of the feature is consistent with the original videos. This feature is stored through HDF5 for rapid reading.
The TSN features for both datasets are available on the website. We also provide our download links to long-term support.
Baidu Netdisk:
ActivityNet v1.3 and THUMOS-14, code: uvpk
In order to use the downloaded video features, the feature_path attributes in the two need to be modified respectively.
For example on THUMOS-14.
cd anet_thumos
Training model using 4 GPUS (ids=0,1,2,3).
Python --gpus 0,1,2,3
Testing model on a sepific epoch.
python --checkpoint_path ./save/xxx-xx/ --test_epoch 4
The 'xxx-xx' is the training work directory in the 'save' directory named by a timestamp, such as "./save/20220116-1417".
For ActivityNet v1.3, the training and testing procedure is similar to THUMOS-14.