One platform form for all your needs of Electronics, Apparals and Foorwears.
- This is a mini project, which is buyer-seller platform developed using Express(Node.js) technology.
- Currently it has products of three categories Electronic, Apparel and Footwear.
- It has two types of users, one is seller and another one is buyer.
- Sellers can add new products to sell, update the product details and delete the product from the database.
- Buyers can view all the products available to buy, search the product and see the .
- It is not API based application, instead it is full-stack Express application which uses EJS templates for frontend.
- This is Model-View-Controller (MVC) based application.
- Both frontend and backend are built using JavaScript.
- For Styling of the pages, Bootstrap is used.
- For database, NoSQL MongoDB(atlas) database is used.
- Driver used to connect to database is Mongoose Driver.
- For Authentication of the user, Passport and Session have been used.
- Authentication is performed using Passport Local Strategy.
- Both the users, Sellers and Buyers can login using login form or can register if they are new users.
- Sellers, after login or register, are redirected to dashboard page where they can add new products to sell, update the existing products and also delete the products.
- Sellers, logged in as seller, can only see products which are added by them.
- Buyers, after login or register, are redirected to products page where they can see all the products available to buy.
- Buyers can search products with keyword based on the title and description.
- Buyers can view the full product details by clicking to the view button.
- Buyers can view their wallet details.
- Buyers will be able to filter the products based on categories.
- Buyers will be able to sort the products based on date added.
- Buyers will be able to go to checkout page for product purchase and transaction.
- Sellers will be able to view all their sold products and top-selling products.
- Sellers will be able to review their historical sales data.
- A transaction functionality wll be added to allow buyers to buy the products.
This project is not made in the form of API as I started learning React just 5 days before the assesment was given. Without that I would not be able to connect my API to the Frontend.
This is why I decided to make the project as MVC formate full-stack, while I do know how to make APIs using Postman.
This is not complete project till now, but will continue to make this project for my personal skill development.
I will continue to update my project in another branch so that it will not affect the project that I submitted till 15th Jan 2024.
Around 60%-70% logics that were used in this project, I learned in the in the go and applied them in projects and edited accordingly, which shows that I am quick to adapt and dynamic learner. I just wanted to make you know that I am a passionate, skilled developer who is always learning new things.
I learned a lot while making this project too and will continue to make the project to learn more.