Reactive-Library is a TypeScript library for dealing with reactive implementations of essential data structures.
Use your favorite package manager to add @muhammetaliakbay/reactive-library as your dependency.
npm install @muhammetaliakbay/reactive-library --save
Find detailed api documentations here
import {ReactiveSet} from '@muhammetaliakbay/reactive-library';
const set = new ReactiveSet<string>()
element => console.log(`${element} added to the set`)
element => console.log(`${element} removed from set`)
set.add('My'); // adds 'My'
set.add('Home'); // and 'Home'
set.add('Sweet'); // and 'Sweet' for only one time
set.add('Home'); // do NOT adds 'Home' twice while it has 'Home' already (as a ideal set)
set.remove('My'); // simply removes 'My' from set (if it in the set)
// Console Outputs:
// My added to the set
// Home added to the set
// Sweet added to the set
// My removed from set
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.