Releases: muhkuh-sys/org.muhkuh.tests-eth
Releases · muhkuh-sys/org.muhkuh.tests-eth
- Reduce the dependencies to the major version.
- Move to the official ETH MAC v6.2.0.2 . Only build a netX90 version for now.
- Add ETH 2PS v6.3.0.0 . Only build a netX90 version for now.
- Build a standalone version with configuration tool.
- Consider the "port" attribute for packets in the combined receive queue of ETH2PS.
- Deactivate all interfaces at the end of the test.
- Mark a non-permanent port with "server" or "none" function always as "finished".
- Add flag to allow a link down without error.
- Set the number of packets to exchange with a parameter.
- Add the option to check the link speed and duplex.
- Add plugin options.
- Improve error messages if the connection to the netX fails.
- Improve error messages for the Ethernet initialization.
- Print statistics at the end of a test.
- Show startup and testing phase with a green blinking SYS LED.
- Add better error checking.
- Update muhkuh_base_cli to the latest v2.5 .
- Update to vstruct v2.1 .
- Use vstruct with LUA5.4 .
- Reserve the first 16k for romloader transport updates.
- Port the test to LUA5.4 .
- Build one package for LUA5.1 and LUA5.4 .
- Disable all ports before setting up the XC code.
- Use new tester API (2.4).
- Add a timeout for the link up and the transfer phase.
- Update muhkuh_base_cli to v2.3
- Update penlight to v1.6
- Remove obsolete workaround for netX90
- Set the port configuration from the test configuration