PayGo Alert Sample application
The system requires the following softwares
- Java JDK 1.7+
- Maven v3.3
- NodeJS - v4.4.7
- MySql - v5.6.16+
Install Java before installing Maven. Java can be downloaded from Apache Maven is available from NodeJS is available from mySQL is available from
HOW TO CREATE AND INITIALIZE THE DATABASE Install MySQL workbench and import the database script to restore the database from the dump file. Alternatively you can restore the dump from the command line.
Update the application's database connection settings to match your database. Edit the file
To install the web application runtime dependencies, and test dependencies run the following commands
npm install
bower install
mvn package -Pfe
This will download all the dependencies and install them. It will also build the application.
To run the web application, run the command
mvn tomcat7:run
The application will be available in the following URL from your browser
If you have an application running on PORT 8080, you can run using the following command
mvn tomcat7:run -Dmaven.tomcat.port=<port no.>
Enter your preferred port number.
To run web back end tests, run the command
mvn test
To run front end tests, run the command
mvn package -Pfe-test,fetools-test
Application Structure
The application makes use of
- Amazon IoT
- Amazon Lamda
- Spring MVC
- Backbone JS
- Bower
- Grunt
- Node
- Mocha
- Sinon
- Chai
- PhantomJS
- Bootstrap
- JUnit4
Application Components Main Architecture
- Amazon IoT - We make use of Amazon IoT to connect with the devices
- Amazon Lambda : Lamba is invoked when the Amazon IoT rule is satified, in this case when a device sends a leakage message.
- Cloud application : The cloud application is invoked by Amazon Lambda to process an alert.
- MySQL : This is used to store alerts.
Cloud Application Architecture The cloud application is based on Spring MVC The components include
- Alert Controller : This is the API end point for processing alerts.
- Report Controller : This endpoint is used for viewing data stored in the database.
- Page Controller : This endpoint is used to load HTML pages.
- Alert Service : This contains the business logic for alerts.
- Notification Service : This module is used to send notifications, at the moment it contains an email sending module. Notifications re being sent to an configured email address. A more enhanced module would send notifications through SMS or Email to the customer.
- Alert Dao: This is the Data Access Object for alerts.
- Query Dao : This Data Access module is used to access the database. This is the only point that accesses the database.