To build on linux you will need mono and nuget. Follow the instruction here:
apt-get install mono-complete nuget
To build, go into the project root directory:
nuget restore mujinplccs.sln xbuild /tv:12.0 /p:Configuration=Release mujinplccs.sln
To run the examples:
To connect from ipython:
In [1]: import zmq; ctx = zmq.Context(); socket = ctx.socket(zmq.REQ); socket.connect("tcp://") In [2]: socket.send_json({"command": "read", "keys": ["startOrderCycle", "stopOrderCycle"]}); socket.recv_json() Out[2]: {u'keyvalues': {}} In [3]: socket.send_json({"command": "write", "keyvalues": {"startOrderCycle": True}}); socket.recv_json() Out[3]: {} In [4]: socket.send_json({"command": "read", "keys": ["startOrderCycle", "stopOrderCycle"]}); socket.recv_json() Out[4]: {u'keyvalues': {u'startOrderCycle': True}}
To run the unit tests:
mono ./packages/xunit.runner.console.2.1.0/tools/xunit.console.x86.exe ./tests/mujintestplccs/bin/Release/mujintestplccs.dll -verbose