This is documentation for Integrated Road Safety Information System This documentation is rendered online at
iRoad Documentation is licensed under GNU General Public Licence, either version 2 of the licence or at your option any later version.
Documentation is as important as code. It follows the exact same principles: DRY, tests, ease of maintenance, extensibility, optimization, and refactoring just to name a few. And ofcourse documentation has bugs, typos, hard to read tutorials, and more. Integrated Road Safety Information System 2.0. source code and documentation are hosted on github:
- Roadsafety Website -
- Roadsafety Documentation -
If you want to submit a patch, fork the official repository on GitHub and then clone your fork:
$ git clone git://
Make your changes into the documentation, when you're done create a pull request on github.
GitHub covers the topic of pull requests in detail.
Before contributing you need to be familiar with the markup language used by the documentation.
iRoad Documentation uses reStructuredText as its markup language and Sphinx for building the output(HTML,PDF, etc...).
reStructuredText "is an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system".
If you're familiar with Markdown, be careful as things are sometimes very similar but different:
- Lists start at the beggining of a line(no indentation)
- Inline code blocks use double-ticks(
like this
Quick overview on reStructuredText can be found on sphnix website, A more detailed documentation can be found at reStructuredText website
Sphnix is a build system that adds some nice tools to create documentation from reStructuredText documents. As such, it adds new directives and interpreted text roles to standard reST markup.
Quick overview on setting your sphinx up for documentation can be found from matplotlib website, a more detailed documentation can be found at sphinx website
To test documentation before a commit:
- Install Sphinx;
- Run the Sphinx quick setup;
- Install the Sphinx extensions (see below);
- Run make html and view the generated HTML in the build directory.
Download the extension from the source repository Copy the sensio directory to the _exts folder under your source folder (where is located) Add the following to the file:
# ...
# adding PhpLexer
from sphinx.highlighting import lexers
from pygments.lexers.web import PhpLexer
# ...
# add the extensions to the list of extensions
extensions = [..., 'sensio.sphinx.refinclude', 'sensio.sphinx.configurationblock', 'sensio.sphinx.phpcode']
# enable highlighting for PHP code not between ``<?php ... ?>`` by default
lexers['php'] = PhpLexer(startinline=True)
lexers['php-annotations'] = PhpLexer(startinline=True)
# use PHP as the primary domain
primary_domain = 'php'