A MusicXML implementation of the Enhancing Music Notation Addressability API.
Flask server for using EMA as a web API.
Using the API through Python:
import requests
By web browser: type http://localhost:5000/<musicxml_file_url>/<measures>/<staves>/<beats>/<completeness>
into the address bar.
By terminal: curl http://localhost:5000/<musicxml_file_url>/<measures>/<staves>/<beats>/<completeness>
Implementation for the EMA parser and MusicXML selector.
Programmatic usage in a Python console:
import emaMXL.slicer as slicer
slicer.slice_score_path(filepath, exp_str)
Scrapes scores from the Digital Du Chemin nanopublication library, converts them from MEI to MusicXML and uses them to test emaMXL's correctness. Note that some nanopublications are inaccurate or will be converted incorrectly by Music21 - this usually results in a "mismatch" between the emaMXL selection vs. the MEI-converted-to-MusicXML selection, even though emaMXL returns the proper selection.
To download all the Digital Du Chemin scores, run python scraper.py
Scraping one page may take up to 30 minutes; scraping all 11 pages of the database will take several hours.