First we need to download obama videos that that are available. All videos can be found in white house YouTube channel. For better visual looks we just listed Weekly Address of Obama and all the links of the videos can be found within videos.txt file. Additionally one can download all the videos of obama from their YouTube channel directly. Downloading videos can be done with youtube-dl library which has python extansion as well. The code to download videos is available within python file.
def download_videos():
ydl_opts = {'write-sub':'srt'}
video_urls = []
with open("videos.txt") as v:
video_urls = v.readlines()
for x in xrange(0,1):
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[video_urls[x]])
The given code download videos with their subtitles as srt file. We need subtitles for the next stage of our work. An example video and subtitle is "Weekly Address - Extending and Expanding..." within directory.
Now since we have videos and subtitles of those videos we can cut these videos according to sentences timings. To cut videos into sentence will be helpful for us to run speech recognition faster for the next stage. The codes to cut the sentences is given within python file.
def cut_videos(limit):
list = os.listdir(v_dir) # dir is your directory path
subs_videos = sorted(list)
wrote = 0
count = 0
for sub in subs_videos:
if (count%2) == 0 and count > 490:
print "Cutting sentences for video #"+str(count/2)
times_texts = obama.get_times_texts(v_dir+'/'+sub)
if times_texts == None:
count +=1
video = VideoFileClip(v_dir + '/' + subs_videos[count+1])
audio = AudioFileClip(v_dir + '/' + subs_videos[count+1])
for times, text in times_texts:
This way we cut every Weekly Address into sentence and we name each sentence according to it's text. The code will generate two file: one video file and one audio file. Audio file is there just to make our audio processing faster. An example of sentences is actually help working families get ahead. Within that folder we have one video and one audio file of correspoding speech. We cut this sentences with MoviePy library of Python. Although moviepy library is great for video editing, it is not the best for audio editing. Therefore, resulting audio may have some glitches in the beginning or the end of the file. A better audio library is PyDub of Python which is both great and fast while working with audios. We didn't use PyDub at this stage, because we already had generated 20Gb of data with MoviePy and didn't want to regenerate with PyDub. If you want better audio quality results, its better to edit the code and cut audios with PyDub. For video cutting, one can use MoviePy and then add generated of audio of the file through PyDub to it.
After generating all the sentences we will use speech recognition to listen each sentence and generate timings of the each keyword. Here we use CMU Sphinx Speech Recognition. One can use Google or IBM speech recognition at this stage. The reason we use CMU Sphinx Speech Recognition is because its free and can be used offline. To listen we use the code inside
def listen():
list_dir = os.listdir(s_dir) # dir is your directory path
sentences = sorted(list_dir)
wrote = 0
count = 0
for sen in sentences:
print "Listening to sentence #" + str(count)
with sr.AudioFile(s_dir + "/" + sen + "/" + sen+".wav") as source:
audio = r.record(source)
if not os.path.exists(s_dir + "/" + sen + "/" + "keywords"):
#print sen+"\n" + r.recognize_sphinx(audio, show_all = False)
decoder = r.recognize_sphinx(audio, show_all = True)
These codes will generate a text file of timings of the each keyword within the sentence. We write those timings inside keywords file within the folder of the sentence. In this case we have actually help working families get ahead/keywords. The keywords is filled with the following structure
[['<s>', 0, 2], ['actually(2)', 3, 28], ['help', 29, 63], ['<sil>', 64, 78], ['working', 79, 111], ['families(2)', 112, 151], ['the', 152, 168], ['head', 169, 195], ['</s>', 196, 198]]
Each element of the list is a data structure for each keyword with first element is word itself, second element is starting time in milliseconds and the third is ending time in milliseconds.
At this stage we cut the sentences according to the word timings. We used again MoviePy to do so. This stage could have been omitted because we can simple use PyDub and since its really fast we don't need already generated words. But happens you use MoviePy for later stages we better cut the sentences accoding to the timings in the beginning. To do so we use codes within file.
def cut_words():
list_dir = os.listdir(s_dir) # dir is your directory path
sentences = sorted(list_dir)
wrote = 0
count = 0
for sen in sentences:
print "Cutting sentence #" + str(count)
if not os.path.exists(s_dir + "/" + sen + "/" + "words"):
#print sen+"\n" + r.recognize_sphinx(audio, show_all = False)
os.makedirs(s_dir + "/" + sen + "/" + "words")
w_dir = s_dir + "/" + sen + "/" + "words"
words_str = ""
with open(s_dir + "/" + sen + "/" + "keywords", "r") as k:
words_str =
This function will cut the sentence according to the times within keywords file. It writes all video and audio files of the each word within words folder within the sentence folder. An example for the word in our case is actually help working families get ahead. /words/actually/0.mp4 for the word *actually*. Within actually folder we will have audio and video files with chronological order if there are more than one appeareance of the word within that sentences.
Now we need to download lyrics and professional singer's singing. By lyrics we mean word-by-word lyrics of the song. It will be karaoke style in which we know staring time and end time of the each word. For this we will use In fact is paid service and one should buy their singings and lyrics. What we do is track down how the system collects data from their server and download what we need from their server. For downloading lyrics its a bit tricky. For now I am downloading lyrics manually. One can write script on python to scrawl the website and download automatically. Automatisization can be done analogously. To download manually follow, these steps:
- Go to (It's subsidery of
- Open "Inspect Element" of your browser (works clearner on Firefox)
- Navigate to "Network" of Insect Element
- Search for the song you want at
- There will be now new request at Network and that should have request url
- Go to that url and bam, you have lyrics of the song according to the word. (Note that url will be available for couple of minutes, after a while it will not be accessable)
- Save the lyrics to some xml file. Following above steps we have shape_of_you.xml file that includes word by word lyrics of the Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran. The timing will look like
<line id="3">
<position x="128.50" width="383" y="120.90" height="52"/>
<word id="1">
<word id="2">
<word id="3">
<word id="4">
<word id="5">
In fact, the optained lyrics is syllabul by syllabul. So one can improve the system to make it syllabul by sullabul instead of current word by word singing. Syllabul by syllabul timing is actually our future work. It is actually required because, some of the words are not available at Obama Speeches so one should be able to generate any word from existing syllabul. Downloading professional singer's singing is quite easy. Actually one should follow similar steps for lyrics, but I already wrote script to download it automatically. The code is given inside
def get_music(url):
song_name = ""
singer = ""
r = requests.get(url)
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for meta in soup.find_all('meta'):
if meta.get("property") == "og:audio:title":
Given url of the video we can download lead vocal singer and an example for the song of Shape Of You is Lead Vocal.wav
For making lyrics we will you PyDub library and the code is given inside
def split_obama_by_line_pydub(song_name, xml_path, lyr_len):
line_start_end = xml_line_timing(xml_path, lyr_len)
word_start_end = xml_timing(xml_path, lyr_len)
cuts_dirs = []
found = []
not_found = []
db_values = []
skip = 0
total_skip = 0
for word, dur, time in word_start_end:
if (skip > 0):
print "SKIPPED"
skip -=1
Above code will concatenate each word of the lyrics according to the timings and also stretch up and down word so that it fits perfectly in whe lyrics. Actually there are two versions of doing this. One is without streting any word: Just add words and then add silence if there is some time remaining. The second is strech each word according to the lyrics. All stretching and concatenation will be done by PyDub library. There is also dB changing step as well. That one is used to make all the dBs of the words same.
if end == line_end:
line_videos.export("karaoke/split_parts/"+song_name+"/obama/"+str(line_count) + ".wav", format = "wav")
At this stage we generate each line of the song "said" by obama. Example lines can be seen at obama folder.
Since we have professsional singer's singing in one folder we should cut it according to the lyrics. Cutting will be done within file
def split_prof_by_line_pydub(song_name, xml_path, audio_src, lyr_len):
line_start_end = xml_line_timing(xml_path, lyr_len)
audio = AudioSegment.from_mp3(audio_src)
os.makedirs("karaoke/split_parts/"+song_name + "/prof", 777)
line_count = 1;
for line, start, end in line_start_end:
start = convert_time(start)
end = convert_time(end)
print line, start, end
part = audio[start*1000:end*1000]
part.export("karaoke/split_parts/" +song_name + "/prof/"+str(line_count)+".wav", format = "wav")
line_count += 1
Above code will generate each line of the professional singer within prof folder. Note that each number of generated file in 7th stage corresponds to that number of generated file in this stage.
At this stage one should have matlab installed in their computer to run this code. The matlab codes are designed to make non-professional singing sound exactly like professional singer. To do so user needs to provide normal singing of the anyone and then professional singer without background music. Algorithm fines perfect dtw of two singings and the make normal singing match the professional singer. In our case we have obama singing and professional singing. We will make obama singing follow the professional singin. This can be done within expTrans.m matlab code
function y = expTrans( source, target, sr, mixRate, phoneS, phoneT )
if nargin < 5
useLPC = true;
if nargin < 4
mixRate = 0.7;
Since this function does one line we need to write another matlab code that loops over each line of the both obama and professional singing. That can be found within mat.m matlab code
for c = 1:25
ob_path = strcat('/home/muso/Desktop/obama/karaoke/split_parts/Shape Of You/obama/',int2str(c),'.wav');
[source, sr]= audioread(ob_path);
ta_path = strcat('/home/muso/Desktop/obama/karaoke/split_parts/Shape Of You/prof/',int2str(c),'.wav');
target = audioread(ta_path);
y = expTrans(source, target, sr);
res_path = strcat('/home/muso/Desktop/obama/karaoke/split_parts/Shape Of You/obama_res/',int2str(c),'.wav');
audiowrite(res_path, y, sr);
The above codes will generate each line of the song singed by obama and mocked the professional singer. All the lines can be found within obama_res folder.
Now we have each line of the obama singing and we just need to concatenate the results. that can be done within
def final_song(song_dir, xml_path, lyr_len):
line_start_end = xml_line_timing(xml_path, lyr_len)
line_count = 1
audio = AudioSegment.empty()
last_start = 0
for line, start, end in line_start_end:
start = convert_time(start)
end = convert_time(end)
if last_start < start:
audio =audio + AudioSegment.silent(duration = (start*1000 - last_start*1000))
audio = audio + AudioSegment.from_wav(song_dir+str(line_count)+'.wav')
line_count += 1
last_start = end
audio.export("karaoke/split_parts/Shape Of You/result.wav", format = "wav")
Final songs will be result.wav file that is written after concatenating all the lines.
Muso Khon [email protected]