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0.1. Z Framework (V2.6.5)

0.2. Easiest, fastest PHP framework. (Simple)

0.3. Document

1. Route

    // Any METHOD Route
    Route::any('/', function() {
         return 'Method: ' . method();
    // Get METHOD Route
    Route::get('/', function() {
         return 'Hi đź‘‹';
    // POST METHOD Route
    Route::post('/', function() {
         return 'You verified CSRF Token.';
    // PATCH METHOD Route
    Route::patch('/', function() {
         return 'patch.';
    // PUT METHOD Route
    Route::put('/', function() {
         return 'put.';
    // DELETE METHOD Route
    Route::delete('/', function() {
         return 'delete.';
    // Also you can use like that: (2. Parameter: 'Controller@method')
    Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index');

    // you can use parameters in uri.
    Route::get('/test/{name}/{?surname}', function($name, $surname = null) {
        echo "Hey $name $surname";

    // if you create resource controller it's like that simple
    Route::resource('/', TestController::class, ['name' => 'home']);
    Resource Route list:
    | URL          | METHOD      | Callback Function   | Route Name    |
    | ------------ | ----------- | ------------------- | ------------- |
    | /            | GET         | index()             | home.index    |
    | /            | POST        | store()             |    |
    | /{id}        | GET         | show($id)           |     |
    | /{id}/edit   | GET         | edit($id)           | home.edit     |
    | /create      | GET         | create()            | home.create   |
    | /{id}        | PUT/PATCH   | update($id)         | home.update   |
    | /{id}        | DELETE      | delete($id)         | home.delete   |
    | ------------ | ----------- | ------------------- | ------------- |

    # if you wanna simple use route names for resource
    Route::resource('/test', ResourceController::class);
    # result:

    // two example for select name.
    Route::findRoute('test.index'); // output:
    Route::findRoute('test.edit', ['id' => 1]); // output:

    // for Group usage:
    // prefix_URL
    Route::pre('/admin')->group(function() {
        Route::resource('/', ResourceController::class);
    Route::findRoute('admin.index'); // output

    // url: /admin/user/...
    Route::pre('/admin')->group(function() {
        Route::pre('/user')->group(function() {
            Route::post(..., ...);

    Route::noCSRF()->group(function() {
        Route::post(..., ...); // that not need a csrf token allow all request like GET method.

    // merge using
    Route::pre('/admin')->noCSRF()->group(function() {
        Route::post(..., ...); // that not need a csrf token allow all request like GET method. and have /admin prefix.

    // And you can use for findRoute
    route('admin.index') // output

    // current uri has a spesific keyword?

    if(Route::has('/admin')) echo "You are now in admin pages.";

1.1. Form examples

    You must use csrf token for POST methods. (if you not add "no-csrf" option.)

    <!-- for store() method -->
    <form method="POST">
        {{ Csrf::csrf() }}
        <input type="submit">

    <!-- for update() method -->
    <form action="/1" method="POST">
        {{ Csrf::csrf() }}
        {{ inputMethod('PATCH') }}
        <input type="submit">

    <!-- for delete() method -->
    <form action="/1" method="POST">
        {{ Csrf::csrf() }}
        {{ inputMethod('DELETE') }}
        <input type="submit">

    Also you can use `csrf()` method
    <form method="POST">
        {{ csrf() }}

Callback function can be a Controller class example:

    // App\Controllers\TestController.php
    class ...{
        public function index() {
            return 'Hi đź‘‹';
    // Route/web.php
    Route::get('/', [TestController::class, 'index']);

How i use parameters? (it's same for Controller's functions)

    Route::get('/{id}', function($id) {
        return "ID: $id";

ALSO you can normal query like /1?test=true

1.2. Route Options

    Route::post('/store', [TestController::class, 'store']);

    // Other way for middleware (if you use that way you can not find route name.)
    Middleware::middleware([Auth::class, Guest::class], function ($declined) {
        if (count($declined)) return;
        Route::get('/test', function () {
            return "Hey đź‘‹";
        })->name('test'); // if middleware not verify you can not find that name.

    // if you want use route with middleware and name still findable.
    Route::pre('/admin')->middleware([Auth::class, Admin::class], function($declines) { # Optional callback method.
        abort(403, 'Access Forbidden');
    })->group(function() {

    echo route('admin.dashboard'); # i can still find route but i cant access with out middlewares verify.

    Route::pre('/admin')->group(function() {
        Route::get('/any-page', AnyController::class)->name('any-page');
        Route::resource('/', DashboardController::class);

1.3. Find Route's Url

    // Route/web.php
    Route::get('/test/{id}/{username}', function ($id, $username) {
        echo "$id - $username";

    // Usage:
    echo Route::findRoute('test', ['id' => 1, 'username' => 'Admin']); // output:
    # or
    echo route('test', ['id' => 1, 'username' => 'Admin']) // same output.

2. Model

    class User extends Model {
        use softDelete; // (optional) if you are need soft delete a table's row use this. that mean delete you can not seen but not delete in db.

        public $table = "users";
        public $db    = "local"; // (optional) if you do not write that it's connect your first connection.

        // do not show that columns but if you use ->select('guarded_column_name') you can see it
        public $guard = ['password', 'api_token'];

        public $primary    = "column_name" // (optional) select table primary key it's default is null and select automatic primary key
        public $updated_at = "custom_updated_at_name" // (optional) if you use updated_at attribute it's default = updated_at
        public $created_at = "custom_created_at_name" // (optional) if you use created_at attribute it's default = created_at
        public $deleted_at = "custom_deleted_at_name" // (optional) if you use deleted_at attribute it's default = deleted_at
    // if you wanna see your deleted_at items
    $users = (new DB)->table('users')->get(); // return with deleted_at items.

    // Usage:
    use App\Models\User;
    $user = new User;
    echo "<pre>";
        "get"         => $user->get(),
        "count"       => $user->count(),
        "first"       => $user->where('id', 1)->first(),
        "firstOrFail" => $user->where('id', '=', 1)->firstOrFail(), // If can not find a row abort 404
        "paginate"    => $user->paginate(20, 'page_request_name'),
        "insert"      => $user->insert(['username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password','email' => '[email protected]']),
        "update"      => $user->where('id', 1)->update(['email' => '[email protected]']),
        "delete"      => $user->where('id', '>', 2)->delete()

    // if you wanna get type class = ->get(true) | ->first(true);

    // Where example
    $user->where('id', '=', 1)->where('email', '=', '[email protected]', 'OR')->get();
    // Find example that is for primary key.

    // Select example
    $user->select('id, username')->get();

    // OrderBy example
    $user->orderBy(['id' => 'ASC', 'username' => 'DESC'])->get();

    // GroupBy example
    // Limit example args: 10(startCount), 10(rowCount)
    $user->limit(5, 10)->get();

    // paginate example               for return class or array
    $user->paginate(20, 'request_id', true|false);

    // Joins example
    $user->join('LEFT|RIGHT|OUTER|FULL|NULL', App\Models\User::class, ['', '=', ''])->get();
    // OR Joins example
    $user->join('LEFT|RIGHT|OUTER|FULL|NULL', App\Models\User::class, [' ='])->get();

    // Debug Example
    $user->sqlDebug(true)->select('id, username')->where('id', 1)->update([
        'username' => 'John Doe'

    UPDATE users SET username = 'John Doe' WHERE id = '1' AND deleted_at IS NULL

    # Note
    If row has a model and has a primary key, row automaticly have delete and update closures.

    $user->where('id', 1)->first()['update']([
        'username' => 'test'

    $user->where('id', 1)->first()['delete']();

2.1. User

    Auth::login($user) // login with $user->first()

    Auth::api_login($token) // login with api_token

    Auth::logout() // logout user
    Auth::check() // check is logged in?
    Auth::user() // (if logged in) get user

    Auth::attempt(array, true|false) // example ['username' => 'test', 'password' => 'test'], true (for stay in)
    Auth::id() // get user id

2.2. Observers

    // An example model
    class User extends Model
        use softDelete;

        public $observe = UserObserver::class; // Put here that because we must do select observer.
        public $table = "users";

        // reletable closures callbacks
        public function posts(array $values)
            return $this->hasMany(Posts::class, $values['id'], 'user_id');
        public function user_email(array $values)
            return $this->hasOne(UserEmails::class, $values['id'], 'user_id');

    // create observer
    > php terminal make observer UserObserver

    // created a observer like that
    class UserObserver extends Observer
         * Insert before run that
        public function oninsert(array $args)
            echo "inserting";
            return $args;

         * Insert after run that
        public function oninserted(array $args)
            echo "inserted: ";

         * Update before run that
        public function onupdate(array $args)
            echo "updating:";

         * Update after run that
        public function onupdated(array $args)
            echo "updated:";

         * Delete before run that
        public function ondelete(array $args)
            echo "deleting:";

         * Delete after run that
        public function ondeleted(array $args)
            echo "deleted:";

2.3. Database Migrate

    // You can find how create a migration in zhelper section

    // Folder path: database/migrations

    // Example: (that file is real)
    // (Folder path)/Users.php
    class Users
        static $storageEngine = "InnoDB"; // you can change that what are you want to store your sql engine.
        static $charset       = "utf8_general_ci"; // set default charset for table (so that effect all columns)
        static $table         = "users"; // create table name
        static $db            = "local"; // db key from database/connections.php

        public static function columns() // Insert columns
            return [
                'id'         => ['primary'],
                'username'   => ['varchar:50', 'charset:utf8mb4_general_ci'],
                'password'   => ['varchar:50', 'charset:utf8mb4_general_ci'],
                'email'      => ['varchar:50', 'charset:utf8mb4_general_ci', 'unique'],
                'api_token'  => ['varchar:60', 'required', 'charset:utf8mb4_general_ci'],
                'timestamps', // create updated_at, created_at columns
                'softDelete' // Use soft delete column

    // can use parameters:
        'varchar', // default 255
        'char', // default 50
        'default', // default NULL 
        'default:default value', 
        'timestamps', // create updated_at, created_at columns
        'softDelete' // Use soft delete column

2.4. Database Seeders

    // You can find how create a seeder in zhelper section
    // Folder path: database/seeders

    // Example: (that file is real)
    // (Folder path)/Seeder.php
    class Seeder
        public function __construct()
            $this->user = new User;

        public function seed()
                'username'  => 'admin',
                'password'  => Crypter::encode('admin'),
                'email'     => '[email protected]',
                'api_token' => Str::rand(60)

    // Like that.

2.5. Transaction

    If you wanna use that system, your table's store engine is must InnoDB.

    $this->user = new User;
        'username' => 'admin',
        'password' => .....,

    $api = ...... #(output: status = 0)

    if($api->status) {
        echo "Successfully done.";
    }else {
        echo "Process fail, rollbacked.";

3. Date

    Date::locale(); // return Europe/Istanbul
    Date::format(time()|date(), 'd.m.Y H:i');
    Date::now(); // d.m.Y H:i
    Date::timestamp(); // current TIMESTAMP

4. Mail

    // Config
    // edit: config/mail.php
    // if you wanna mail send you must be true sending parameter

    // Usage
    Mail::to('[email protected]')->send([
        'subject' => 'test',
        'message' => 'test mesaj', // you can also use view('view_name', ['hash' => Str::rand()]) method and set veriables;
        'altbody' => 'Alt body',
        'attachements' => [

    // Or Usage

5. Controller

    class ... {
        public function __construct() {
            echo "Hi, this is __construct.";
            $this->user = new User;
        public function index() {
            $hi = 'hey';                                  
            return View::view('home.index', compact('hi');
        public function show($id) {
            return View::view('home.user', ['user' => $this->user->first()]);
            return view('home.user', ['user' => $this->user->first()]); // also you can use that

6. View

    ### Currently directions, like blade view engine.
    - `@if`, `@elseif` and `@else`
    - `@empty` and `@endempty`
    - `@isset` and `@endisset`
    - `@foreach` and `@endforeach`
    - `@forelse`, `@empty` and `@endforelse`
    - `@php` and `@endphp`
    - `@json`
    - `@dump` and `@dd`
    - `@include`
    - `@extends`, `@yield` and `@section`

    # You can add custom direction
    View::directive('style', function($href = null) {
        if ($href) return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $href . '" />';
        return '<style>';

    View::directive('endstyle', function() {
        return '</style>';

    View::directive('page', function($page) {
        return '<?php if (isset($_GET["page"]) && $_GET["page"] === \'' . $page . '\'): ?>';

    View::directive('endpage', function() {
        return '<?php endif; ?>';

    // Use That
    view('home.index', ['hi' => 'hey']);
    // OR That
    use Core\View;
    echo View::view('home.index', ['hi' => 'hey']);

    // call in view. In home.index:
        {{ view('home.list', $view_parameters) }}       // Output: echo $hi; = hey  // SAME
        {{ View::view('home.list', $view_parameters) }} // Output: echo $hi; = hey // RESULT

6.1. ViewProvider

    // path: App\Providers\ViewProvider.php
    class ViewProvider
        public function __construct()
            View::bind('test', function () {
                $user = new User;
                return [
                    'users' => $user->get()

    // test view get every time $users parameter.

7. zhelper (deprecated)

    C:\Users\...\Desktop\Project>php zhelper
    // Makes Usage:
    # Controller                // what are u want  // if u want get ready resource controller (Optional)
    > php zhelper make controller Test\TestController resource
    # Model                  // what are u want
    > php zhelper make model Test\Test
    # Observer                // what are u want
    > php zhelper make observer Test\TestObserver
    # Middleware                  // what are u want
    > php zhelper make middleware Test\Test

    # Database Migration          // what are u want
    > php zhelper make migration Users

    # Database Seeder          // what are u want
    > php zhelper make seeder UsersSeeder

    # Database Migrator:
    php zhelper db migrate // output: just add/modify after changes columns.
    php zhelper db migrate fresh // output: reset table and write all columns.
    # Database Seeder:
    php zhelper db seed // output: seed all seeders.
    # Database Backup:
    # you must set app.config.mysql.mysqldump path.
    php zhelper db backup local // output: backup db to /database/backups/mysql/...

    # cache delete
    php zhelper cache clear sessions|caches|views

Run project.

    // Default run host's ip and 1000 port
    C:\Users\...\Desktop\Project>php zhelper run (press enter)
    // with custom ip and port
    C:\Users\...\Desktop\Project>php zhelper run 2000 (press enter)

8. Terminal

    C:\Users\...\Desktop\Project>php terminal
    // Makes Usage:
    # Controller                   # what are u want  // if u want get ready resource controller (Optional)
    > php terminal make controller Test/TestController --resource
    #region MODEL
    # Model                   # what are u want
    > php terminal make model Test/Test

    #optional parameters for model
    > php terminal make model Test/Test dbname=main table=test_table

    # Request for methods.      # what are u want
    > php terminal make request Users/StoreRequest

    # Usage:
        function($id, $vars = null, StoreRequest $request) {
            $request = $request->validated();

    # Observer                   # what are u want
    > php terminal make observer Test/TestObserver
    # Middleware                   # what are u want
    > php terminal make middleware Test/Test

    # Database Migration          # what are u want
    > php terminal make migration Users

    # Database Seeder          # what are u want
    > php terminal make seeder UsersSeeder

    # Database Migrator:
    php terminal db migrate // output: just add/modify after changes columns.
    php terminal db migrate --fresh // output: reset table and write all columns.
    php terminal db migrate --fresh --seed // output: reset table and seed it.
    # Module Migrate
    php terminal db migrate --module=blog // and other parameters can be use.

    # Database Seeder:
    php terminal db seed // output: seed all seeders.
    # Database Backup and Restore:
    php terminal db backup /* optional parameters */ db=database_connection_key
    // output: backup db to /database/backups/{dbname}...
    php terminal db restore /* optional parameters */ db=database_connection_key

    # Create Module
    php terminal module create blog
    // Module has self cotnroller, middlewares, migrations, models, observers, requests, routes and views.

    # make asset for module.
    php terminal make model|migration|controller|etc. --module=blog

    #for example
    php terminal make controller TestController --resource --module=blog

    # cache delete
    php terminal cache clear sessions|caches|views

9. Csrf

    // Usage:
    Csrf::csrf(); // Output: ready csrf input
    Csrf::get(); // Output: random_csrf_string
    Csrf::set(); // Random/Renew set token
    Csrf::unset(); // Destroy csrf token
    Csrf::remainTimeOut(); // How much seconds left for change csrf token

10. Language

    // Usage:
    // Dir tree:
    tr -> 
        lang.php // return array
        auth.php // return array
    en -> 
        lang.php // return array
        auth.php // return array

    // if you want change locale
    // if you wanna get a parameter
    Lang::get('lang.test', ['id' => 1, 'test' => 'hey']);

    // How i select default lang? (if not exists in lang list browser language select default)
    config -> 
            app.php ->
                    lang => 'tr'

    // get lang list

11. Crypter

    # Attention!
    You must change your crypt key.

        -> app.php
                'crypt'    => [
                    'key'  => 'cryptkey',
                    'salt' => 'ThisSaltIsSecret'

    # Usage:

    $encode = Crypter::encode('test'); // result: {test_hashed_code}
    $decode = Crypter::decode($encode); // result: test

    $encodeArray = Crypter::encodeArray(['test', 'test2']);
    $decodeArray = Crypter::decodeArray($encodeArray);

12. Config

    Config::get('app'); // return all config
    Config::get('app.title'); // return in app config title index's element
    Config::set('app', [
        'title' => 'test'
    ]); // update config

13. Alerts

    // Alerts is show just one time, when you refresh your page Alerts is gone.

    # Usage:
    // if you wanna use like chain

    // get alerts
    Alerts::get(); // output: Array ([0] => ('success', 'text'), [1] => ('danger', 'text'))

    // unset alerts
    <!-- shown alerts example bootstrap -->
    <?php foreach(Alerts::get() as $alert): ?>
        <div class="alert alert-{{ $alert[0] }}">
            {{ $alert[0] }}: {{ $alert[1] }}
    <?php endforeach; ?>

14. Validator

    // In array validate values.
    // Current: type, required, max, min, same, email, unique, exists.
    // Unique ussage: 
    # unique:table_name cl=column_name,db=database // cl and db parameters is optional, if you not add cl parameter get request key name, if you not add db parameter get first in array connection.

    # exists:table_name cl=column_name,db=database // cl and db parameters is optional, if you not add cl parameter get request key name, if you not add db parameter get first in array connection.
    // Unique Example: 'email' => ["unique:users cl=email,db=local"]
    // Exists Example: 'email' => ["exists:users cl=email,db=local"]

    Validator::validate($_REQUEST, [
        'test1' => ['type:string', 'required', 'max:10', 'min:5', 'same:test2'],
        'test2' => ['same:test1'],

15. Middleware

    # App\Middlewares\Auth.php
    # Validate first and go on.
    namespace App\Middlewares;
    class Auth
        public function __construct()
            if (@$_SESSION['user_id']) return true;
        public function error()

    // Usage:
    Middleware::middleware([Auth::class, Guest::class]); #              # output: false
    Middleware::middleware([Auth::class]); // if you are logged in      # output: true 
    Middleware::middleware([Guest::class]); // if you are not logged in # output: true 
    Middleware::middleware([Auth::class, Guest::class], function($declined) {
    }); // if you are logged in     # output: Array ('Guest::class')
        // if you are not logged in # output: Array ('Auth::class')

16. Cache

    // Parameters: cache name, what it storage, seconds type timeout
    $users = Cache::cache('users', function() {
        return (new User)->get();
    }, (10 * 60));


17. API

    # route/api.php
    Route::get('/test', function () {
        echo "API Page / user_id: " . Auth::id();
    // example: http://localhost/api/test?user_token=12345678 (user logged in.)

18. Development

    // Database connections
    # Folder: database/connections.php
    # before
    $databases = [
        'test' => ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test;charset=utf8mb4', 'root', '123123'],

    # add a database
    $databases = [
        'test'   => ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test;charset=utf8mb4', 'root', '123123'],
        'test_2' => ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test_2;charset=utf8mb4', 'root', '123123'],

    # use options
    $databases = [
        'test' => ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test;charset=utf8mb4', 'root', '123123', 'options' => [
            [\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION] // for try catch PDOException
        'test_2' => ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test_2;charset=utf8mb4', 'root', '123123'],
    # Folder config/app.php

    // debug mode is come default is true.
    'debug' => true|false
    // debug mode is for error page to abort

    # Folder config/app.php
    // Usage Crypter
    'key'  => 'cryptkey',
    'salt' => 'ThisSaltIsSecret',

    # if you change that your hash encode's will change, and all hash need be unique for security.
    # example
    'key'  => '82FDFE2976AC2C8B8EBD5A5737118',
    'salt' => '4ljd5AyZc9',

    # it is so secure. crypter make passwords or etc.

19. Helper Methods

    // main base path
    base_path("optional url add");
    // Public path
    public_path("optional url add");

    // Show host name

    // set Asset

    // Redirect

    // Redirect to REFERER

    // Show current uri

    // get current request method

    // show input method

    // Get Client IP

    // Set http response code 200 to 500 and optional message.
    abort(200, 'OK');

    // get request

    // Response for Controllers or routes callbacks
        'test' => 1

    // show csrf input

    // Call view method easy way, it's same View::view() 
    view(...., .....);

    // shortcut for Lang::get()

    // shortcut for Config::get()

    // File
    # Usage:
    File::save('/uploads', ''); // uploads/**********.jpg

    // For one
    File::upload('/uploads', $_FILES['file'], [ // settings is optional
        'accept' => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'],
        'size'   => 300000 # byte
    ]); // return /uploads/image.ext

    // For multip
    File::upload('/uploads', $_FILES['files'], [ // settings is optional
        'accept' => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'],
        'size'   => 300000 # byte
    ]); // return array('/uploads/image.ext', '/uploads/image.ext');

                                # width, height
    File::resizeImage('file_path', 50, 50);

20. Run Project

    // Default run host's ip and 80 port
    C:\Users\...\Desktop\Project>php terminal run (press enter)
    // with custom ip and port
    C:\Users\...\Desktop\Project>php terminal run host= port=2000 (press enter)


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