CLI tool for checking outdated Clojars dependencies from
$ yarn global add @mvc-works/clojars-outdated
$ clojars-outdated
Reading shadow-cljs.edn
>>>>>>>>>>>> cost 15.156s to check.
These packages are up to date: mvc-works/hsl mvc-works/shell-page cumulo/recollect cumulo/reel cumulo/util respo/ui respo/feather respo/message cirru/bisection-key
Outdated packages:
mvc-works/ws-edn 0.1.2 -> 0.1.3
respo 0.10.2 -> 0.10.9
respo/alerts 0.3.10 -> 0.3.11
Not able to check: org.clojure/core.incubator
"Replace mode" to replace version numbers directly if detected:
replace=true clojars-outdated
Wait for a minute, network could be slow:
wait=true clojars-outdated
To check if CLI outdated:
npm=true clojars-outdated