Version 0.6.1
- Package and conversion script renamed from
. - Cell parsing and exporting done in two specialized classes. This is way
easier to read. Pylint score at 9.9 ! - Python file format updated to 1.1: default end of cell for python scripts is
one blank space. Two blank spaces are allowed as well. Now you can reformat
code in Python IDE without breaking notebook cells (#38). - Added support for plain markdown files (#40, #44).
- Demonstration notebooks more user friendly (#45).
- Command line tool simpler to use (#46).
- Start code patterns present in Jupyter cells are escaped.
- Default
is empty (mwouts/nbsrc/#5): no Jupyter notebook
is created on disk when the user opens a Python or R file and saves it from
Jupyter, unless the users asks for it by settingnbrmd_format