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11859 - infix maze
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<th>Case 1</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
<th>Case 2</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
<th>Case 3</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
<th>Case 4</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
<th>Case 5</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
<th>Case 6</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
<th>Case 7</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
<th>Case 8</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
<th>Case 9</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
<th>Case 10</th>
<td>1 sec</td>
<td>32 MB</td>
Determine whether a matrix contains at least a legal infix expression which need to be from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner. If yes, convert it based on the postfix notation.
There are some rules to be followed.
- Each cell can be reached by four directions(up, down, right, left).
- Matrices are consisted of 1~9, +,-,*,/, (, )
- Each cell can be visited at most one time.
- The priority directions are: down>right>left>up.
- No negative number. EX: - 5 + 3 is illegal.
First line is total number of matrices.
Second and third line are matrix width nad height.
Width and height <100.
Following lines are matrix.
Repeat all inputs.
For matrix, there is a white space after every elements.
If there is a legal infix expression from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner, output
infix expression ( there is a white space after every elements.)
postfix expression ( there is a white space after every elements.)
If No, output
Sample Input Download
<textarea id='11859_sampleIn' class='panel-body sampleIO' readonly>1
1 5 4
+ - *
+ 6 8 </textarea>
Sample Output Download
<textarea id='11859_sampleOut' class='panel-body sampleIO' readonly>1
1 5 4
+ - *
+ 6 8
15 - 68
15 68 -
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<p id="time" class="navbar-text">2018/05/02 16:25:57</p>
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