Asynchronous modal dialogs for the synchronous window.alert
, window.confirm
and window.prompt
, styled and managed by Twitter Bootstrap.
Pretty similar to Bootbox, yet using
jQuery's Deferred objects.
, confirm
and prompt
all support custom title and body. Additionally,
they support setting the button text and severity (default and danger at the moment).
// Alert dialog with custom title and body
Bootstrap.Dialogs.alert({ title: 'Alert title', body: 'Alert body' })
.done(function () {
// Confirm dialog with default text
.done(function () {
.fail(function () {
// Prompt dialog with custom title and body
Bootstrap.Dialogs.prompt({ title: 'What is your name?', body: 'Please enter your name' })
.done(function (name) {
.fail(function () {
// Confirm dialog with custom button text
Bootstrap.Dialogs.confirm({ ok: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Abort' });
// Critical alert dialog
Bootstrap.Dialogs.alert({ danger: true });
TL;DR: npm install && npm test
Install Node and Npm using your packet manager of choice.
Install development dependencies:
npm install
Build and run the tests:
npm test
Start a development cycle listening for changes to files running a simple static server, CoffeeScript linting + compilation, and the test suite:
npm start
To see the examples in action, issue npm install && npm start
and access
In order to upgrade the distribution files bundled in the repo, run npm run-script dist
- Update
Release notes
- Bump
version numbers - Run
npm run dist
to update all distribution sources git tag -a <tag>
with the appropriate version number
- Support require of jQuery and bootstrap for better browserify integration.
- Add very basic CommonJS support.
- Fix leak of click handlers between buttons.
- Disable scrolling of body behind a dialog.
- Upgrade jQuery dependency to 1.10.2.
- Capitalize "OK" texts.
- Make Bower dependencies looser.
- Fix #5: Allow clicking the backdrop to dismiss (unless "lock" is true).
- Fix #4: Add "lock" option to disable ESC closing.
- Replace
- Remove positional arguments support from .dialog.
- Add
option to .dialog.
- Add
option to allow confirm dialogs to optionally be resolvable by pressing the return key.
- Fix #3: Allow setting alert, confirm and prompt button texts.
- Update API's argument passing style to be objects rather than regular argument list.
- Fix #2: Add option to make the 'OK' button take on the btn-danger class.
- Add keyboard bindings for Return and Escape
- Add grunt-cli as a dependency
- Depend on jQuery 1.8.3 to match Bootstrap
- Allow buttons to be jQuery objects or DOM elements
- Make "Ok" buttons primary
- Add Bootstrap and jQuery as component dependencies.
- Submit prompt on Return keypress.
- Give prompt input focus.
- Wrap titles in h3.
- Add close button by default.
- Initial release.
Distrubuted under the ISC license. Please refer to the LICENSE.