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BharatQR documentation for merchants.

  1. This will help you (as a merchant) in generating BharatQR (static and dynamic) for yourself as well as for your sub-merchants.
  2. Please note that merchants are activated on UPI on an offline basis, and they can take T+1 days to get activated by our partner bank.
  3. The generated QR code will be responded by the APIs as an image link.
  4. Your customers can scan that BharatQR using respective BharatQR/Bank supporting apps (like Payzapp) to make the transaction.

This is the documentation for integrating BharatQR.

  1. Your 'merchant_name' and 'merchant_secret' as used below, would have been shared to you on the same email along with this documentation link. If not, please check for 'Welcome to WibmoPay!' subject line in all your inboxes. Else please reach out to us on [email protected] if you are still not able to find it.
  2. Please note that these credentials are super confidential and need to be kept secret. Else anybody can generate BharatQR on your behalf and accept money. In case of loss of credentials, please email [email protected] immediately without delay.

Pseudocode For CheckSum Generation

You can find below the steps to be followed for generating the checksum when making the POST request. Also, pseudo code is written below to give you an idea.

  1. Initialize an array and put in elements as arr = [merchant_display_name,merchant_mobile,merchant_email,merchant_name,merchant_secret]

  2. Concatenate elements in array with pipe(|)
    for (data in arr){
    checksum_str += str(data) + '|'

    checksum_str = checksum_str[:-1]

  3. Generate hash512
    return hashlib.sha512(checksum_str).hexdigest().upper()

for further queries please reach out to the developers on [email protected]

1) Checksum for Register API

arr = [merchant_display_name,merchant_mobile,merchant_email,merchant_name,merchant_secret]

2) Checksum for Static QR API

arr = [wallet_id,merchant_name,merchant_secret]

3) Checksum for Dynamic QR API

arr = [wallet_id,merchant_name,amount,transaction_type,merchant_txn_id,merchant_secret]

Sample Code for checksum in Python

import hashlib  
arr = [merchant_display_name,merchant_mobile,merchant_email,merchant_name,merchant_secret] 
checksum_str = ''  
for data in arr:  
   checksum_str  += str(data) + '|'  

checksum_str = checksum_str[:-1]  
return hashlib.sha512(checksum_str).hexdigest().upper()  

Sample Code for checksum in PHP

$arr = array(merchant_display_name,merchant_mobile,merchant_email,merchant_name,merchant_secret);  
$checksum_str = '';  
foreach ($arr as $data){  
  $checksum_str  .= (string)$data . '|';  

$checksum_str = substr($checksum_str, 0, -1);  
return strtoupper(hash("sha512", $checksum_str));  

Sample Code for Checksum in Node JS

var crypto = require('crypto');  
var arr = [merchant_display_name,merchant_mobile,merchant_email,merchant_name,merchant_secret];  
var checksum_str = '';  
for(var i = 0;i<arr.length;i++){  
	checksum_str +=  arr[i] + '|';  

checksum_str = checksum_str.substring(0, checksum_str.length - 1);  
return crypto.createHash('sha512').update(String(checksum_str)).digest('hex').toUpperCase();  

Sample Code for Checksum in JAVA

 static String sha1(String input) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        MessageDigest mDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");
        byte[] result = mDigest.digest(input.getBytes());
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
            sb.append(Integer.toString((result[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
        return sb.toString();

For testing of java checksum code please visti URL -

For BharatQR registration and generation APIs with input types and response codes, please visit our POSTman documentation -

Documentation Last Updated - 29th january 2019


BharatQR documentation for merchants






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