Some scripts for R plots
You should run in Rstudio. And you must install shiny and ggplot2.
The running code just as below:
shiny::runGitHub('R-plots', 'myshu2017-03-14',subdir = "R-shiny-apps/gene_cluster_plot")
The input file is GFF format.
The results just as below:
You should run in Rstudio. And you must install tidyverse, reshape, shiny and ggplot2.
The running code just as below:
shiny::runGitHub('R-plots', 'myshu2017-03-14',subdir = "R-shiny-apps/taxa_bar_plot")
The input format just a tab file as below:
You can also see the taxa table:
And you can download the plot by Click the Download plot
button. Save the plot as "name.pdf".
You should run in Rstudio. And you must install plotrix, shiny and ggplot2. The code just as below:
shiny::runGitHub('R-plots', 'myshu2017-03-14',subdir = "R-shiny-apps/flower_venn_plot")
The input format just a tab file as below:
You should run in Rstudio. And you must install shiny and ggplot2. The code just as below:
shiny::runGitHub('R-plots', 'myshu2017-03-14',subdir = "R-shiny-apps/read_len_bar_plot")
The input format just a tab file as below: