released this
12 Feb 17:56
Front end improvements:
Zoom out as much as necessary on body map page, even on mobile. #1958
Show loading message on initial /around map load #1976
Ask for current password/send email on password change. #1974
Add minimum password length and common password checking. #1981
Nicer display of national phone numbers. #1982
'Report as another user' allows phone number without email. #1978
Display loading spinner on map when asset layers are loading. #1991
Fix bug specifying category in URL on /around. #1950
Fix bug with multiple select-multiples on a page. #1951
Make sure dashboard filters all fit onto one line. #1938
Fix issue with red bars on bar graph of many categories. #1938
Prefetch translations in /reports list of bodies. #1941
Ignore deleted/area-less bodies in dashboard list. #1941
Add missing CSS class from final questionnaire question. #1953
Fix JavaScript error on /my calculating bounds #1954
Change text on /reports to match lower down (fix translation).
Ensure all reports graph can't dip downward. #1956
Fix error sending requires_inspection reports. #1961
Fix timezone related test failure. #1984
Restore display of extra fields on inspector form. #1994
Admin improvements:
Admin can anonymize/hide all a user's reports. #1942 #1943
Admin can log a user out. #1975
Admin can remove a user's account details. #1944
Superusers can have optional two-factor authentication. #1973
Development improvements:
Add script to remove expired sessions. #1987
'components' parameter can be passed to Google geocoder. #1994
Lazy load images in the footer.
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