This work is the official Pytorch implementation of our papers:
Source-Free Progressive Graph Learning for
Open-Set Domain Adaptation
Yadan Luo, Zijian Wang, Zhuoxiao Chen, Zi Huang, Mahsa Baktashmotlagh
Submission to Transcations on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
Progressive Graph Learning for Open-Set Domain Adaptation
Yadan Luo^, Zijian Wang^, Zi Huang, Mahsa Baktashmotlagh
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2020
[Paper] Code]
To further handle a more realistic yet challenging source-free setting, a novel SF-PGL framework was proposed, which leverages a balanced pseudo-labeling regime to enable uncertainty-aware progressive learning without relying on any distribution matching or adversarial learning methods. As an extension of PGL, we have significantly extended the idea of open-set domain adaptation from the unsupervised learning case to the source-free and semi-supervised settings, from image classification to action recognition, where the complex data interaction and more significant domain gap are addressed. We further discussed a hitherto untouched aspect of OSDA model - the model calibration issue. Experimental results evidenced that the SF-PGL can alleviate the class imbalance introduced by pseudo-labeled sets so that the overconfidence and under-confidence of the OSDA model can be avoided.
- Python 3.6
- Pytorch 1.3
The links of datasets will be released afterwards,
- Syn2Real-O (VisDA-18)
- VisDA-17
- Office-home
The general command for training is,
Change arguments for different experiments:
- dataset: "home" / "visda" / "visda18"
- batch_size: mini_batch size
- beta: The ratio of known target sample and Unk target sample in the pseudo label set
- EF : Enlarging Factor α
- num_layers: GNN's depth
- adv_coeff: adversarial loss coefficient γ
- node_loss: node classification loss μ For the detailed hyper-parameters setting for each dataset, please refer to Section 5.2 and Appendix 3.
Remember to change dataset_root to suit your own case
The training loss and validation accuracy will be automatically saved in './logs/', which can be visualized with tensorboard. The model weights will be saved in './checkpoints'