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This is a Bukkit plugin that provides a series of basic teleport commands for the Minecraft server, enhancing the gaming experience for players.
For a detailed description of the plugin, please visit mcbbs.net myunco.net.
You can find official releases in the following places:
MCBBS: https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1268795-1-1.html- MyForum: https://myunco.net/thread-4-1-1.html
- BaiduNetdisk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1R_eCouvMTA2y8-8wwfyNlw?pwd=mutv
- Github: https://github.com/myunco/LiteTeleport/releases
- Download the latest version plugin.
- Place the LiteTeleport-1.x.x.jar file in the plugins folder.
- Start your server. (Support Bukkit/Spigot/Paper and derivative servers)
- The plugin should now show as green in the /plugins command. If it's red or missing, please check your console logs for errors.
After cloning this repository, add Craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar and lib directory to dependencies, build the project using IDEA Artifacts.
Thanks to JetBrains for the Free Open Source Licenses