Hello, I'm Maciek π
I'm a software enthusiast and a Computer Science student at the University Of Silesia with a focus on web development and automation. I love building impactful projects and exploring new technologies to create efficient solutions.
emPath - An application developed during the "HackEmotion" hackathon organized by the University of Silesia. It helps individuals who have difficulty recognizing emotions to understand them better. The project won an innovation award and placed 4th out of 18 teams.
Eat IT - A food ordering app that allows users to create accounts, browse restaurant menus, and place orders. Built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Flask, and a database.
Alarm Clock and upgraded version (Running Alarm Clock) - A wake-up system consisting of two microcontrollers functioning on a transmitter-receiver basis. Implemented using C++ and C.
Password Generator - A desktop application for generating and managing passwords. Developed using Python and Tkinter.
Text Fixer - is a CLI app designed to correct and analyze written text. The script is able to correct common mistakes and provide information about the text statistics and misspelled words.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, Flask, Django
- Digital Skills by Google - 04/2019
- CRP - Cybersecurity by ING Hubs Poland - 06/2023
- CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science by Harvard - 08/2023
- CS50 - Web Development by Harvard - 12/2023
- LinkedIn: Maciej Zelder
- Email: [email protected]
Feel free to look around and ask any questions!