Thought to share my experience on .NET Core with VS Code
.NET Core is a free and open-source, managed computer software framework for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems. It is a cross-platform successor to .NET Framework.
- Install Ubuntu in my laptop
- Install VS Code
- Insall .NET sdk, core
- Install Git
- I used CLI to create solution, projects
- Finally commit to GitHub
I follwed below links from official ubunu website, these are very simple steps to follow.
Create USB bootable disk
Install ubuntu using USB stick.
Install VS code using below command
sudo apt-get install code
Beofe doing that it is good to udpate the local repository packages using below command
sudo apt-get update
If using a Debian flavor of Linux like Ubuntu, run the below wget command to download the DEB archive first
wget -q -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
Once finsih downloading, run the below command from the same directory as the .deb package to install .NET Core:
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
Now install .NET sdk using below command
sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-3.1
Use below command to install Git
sudo apt-get install git
Once.NET core is installed you should have access to a command-line tools you can invoke in the terminal called dotnet. You can easily see what commands are available by typing:
dotnet - -help
Also you can refer link for more details on CLI
Create Solution A solution is something we use to keep track of all related projects.
- Create directory for our solution
mkdir dotNetCoreApps cd dotNetCoreApps
- Below command will create solution
dot net new sln
- Create Console application and name it as HelloWorld-app
dotnet new console -o HelloWorld-app
- add the project to the solution file
dotnet sln add HelloWorld-app/HelloWorld-app.csproj
- Write the code for the project (can check my code)
- buid the solution using below code
dotnet build
- run the project
dotnet run HelloWorld-app/HelloWorld-app.csproj
Can use below commands to commit to GitHub
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin<< your user-id>>/your- repo .git
git push -u origin master
I'm not familiar with Ubuntu / VS code, I'm learning so you can always correct me if any of the above information is not correct.