##FFXIV FC Raid Site
Python script that returns Character Classes, items, and gearsets that are raid ready. Run character.py with the following syntax:
python character.py {firstname lastname}
It returns Name, Server, Time last active, and gearsets that meet the item level requirement.
Example output:
Name: Artemis Quohn
Server: Leviathan
Last Active: 2017-06-09 05:41:52
Item Level Avg: 331
slot_mainhand: Lost Allagan Composite Bow, 330
slot_waist: Ivalician Fusilier's Belt, 330
slot_earrings: Genta Earrings of Aiming, 320
slot_soulcrystal: Soul of the Bard, 30
slot_head: Ivalician Fusilier's Mask, 330
slot_feet: Genji Sune-ate of Aiming, 340
slot_legs: Genta Tsutsu-hakama of Aiming, 320
slot_body: Augmented Lost Allagan Jacket of Aiming, 340
slot_hands: Lost Allagan Gloves of Aiming, 330
slot_bracelets: Genji Bracelet of Aiming, 340
slot_ring1: Genji Ring of Aiming, 340
slot_ring2: Augmented Lost Allagan Ring of Aiming, 340
slot_necklace: Lakshmi's Necklace of Aiming, 320
Item Level Avg: 316
slot_mainhand: Susano's Greatsword, 320
slot_waist: Ala Mhigan Belt of Fending, 310
slot_earrings: Lakshmi's Earrings of Fending, 320
slot_soulcrystal: Soul of the Dark Knight, 30
slot_head: Ala Mhigan Headgear of Fending, 310
slot_feet: Lost Allagan Sabatons of Fending, 330
slot_legs: Ala Mhigan Bottoms of Fending, 310
slot_body: Ala Mhigan Coat of Fending, 310
slot_hands: Ala Mhigan Fingerless Gloves of Fending, 310
slot_bracelets: Lakshmi's Bracelet of Fending, 320
slot_ring1: Lakshmi's Ring of Fending, 320
slot_ring2: Ala Mhigan Ring of Fending, 310
slot_necklace: Genta Necklace of Fending, 320
Lots more coming to this. Stay tuned!