Snail is a statically-typed functional programming language that based on Coeffect Calculus and Graded Modal Type Theory.
$ git clone
$ cd snail
$ dune build
$ dune install
- Petricek, Tomas and Orchard, Dominic and Mycroft, Alan. (2014). "Coeffects: A calculus of context-dependent computation".
- Aloïs BrunelMarco GaboardiDamiano MazzaSteve Zdancewic (2014). "A Core Quantitative Coeffect Calculus".
- Gaboardi, Marco and Katsumata, Shin-ya and Orchard, Dominic and Breuvart, Flavien and Uustalu, Tarmo. (2016). "Combining effects and coeffects via grading".
- Atkey, Robert. (2018). "Syntax and Semantics of Quantitative Type Theory".
- Dominic Orchard, Vilem-Benjamin Liepelt, Harley Eades III. (2019). "Quantitative Program Reasoning with Graded Modal Types".