- InstallGatewayOnLocalMachine.ps1 - The script can be used to install self-hosted integration runtime node and register it with an authentication key. The script accepts two arguments, first specifying the location of the self-hosted integration runtime on a local disk, second specifying the authentication key (for registering self-hosted IR node). Example: PS D:\GitHub> .\InstallGatewayOnLocalMachine.ps1 E:\shared\IntegrationRuntime.msi [key]
script-update-gateway.ps1 - The script can be used to install the latest or update an existing self-hosted integration runtime to the latest version. It accepts an argument for specifying version number (example: -version 3.13.6942.1). When no version is specified, it always updates the self-hosted IR to the latest version found in the downloads.
*Note: Only last 3 versions can be specified. Ideally this is used to update an existing node to the latest version. IT ASSUMES THAT YOU HAVE A REGISTERED SELF HOSTED IR *
Usage Examples:
Download and install latest self-hosted IR PS > .\script-update-gateway.ps1
Download and install the specified version of self-hosted IR PS > .\script-update-gateway.ps1 -version 3.13.6942.1