Train Report - Evaluation Report
This is an auto-generated repository for use in DVC Get Started: Experiments.
This is a Computer Vision (CV) project that solves the problem of segmenting out swimming pools from satellite images.
We use a slightly modified version of the BH-Pools dataset: we split the original 4k images into tiles of 1024x1024 pixels.
π Please report any issues found in this project here - example-repos-dev.
Python 3.8+ is required to run code from this repo.
$ git clone
$ cd example-get-started-experiments
Now let's install the requirements. But before we do that, we strongly recommend creating a virtual environment with a tool such as virtualenv:
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
This DVC project comes with a preconfigured DVC remote storage that holds raw data (input), intermediate, and final results that are produced. This is a read-only HTTP remote.
$ dvc remote list
You can run dvc pull
to download the data:
$ dvc pull
Run dvc exp run
to reproduce the
$ dvc exp run
Data and pipelines are up to date.
If you'd like to test commands like dvc push
that require write access to the remote storage, the easiest way would be to set
up a "local remote" on your file system:
This kind of remote is located in the local file system, but is external to the DVC project.
$ mkdir -p /tmp/dvc-storage
$ dvc remote add local /tmp/dvc-storage
You should now be able to run:
$ dvc push -r local
There is a couple of git tags in this project :
Contains an end-to-end Jupyter notebook that loads data, trains a model and reports model performance. DVCLive is used for experiment tracking. See this blog post for more details.
Contains a DVC pipeline dvc.yaml
that was created by refactoring the above
notebook into individual pipeline stages.
The pipeline artifacts (processed data, model file, etc) are automatically versioned.
This tag also contains a GitHub Actions workflow that reruns the pipeline if any changes are introduced to the pipeline-related files. CML is used in this workflow to provision a cloud-based GPU machine as well as report model performance results in Pull Requests.
Check out the GitHub Workflow that uses the Iterative Studio Model Registry. to deploy the model to AWS Sagemaker whenever a new version is registered.
The data files, DVC files, and results change as stages are created one by one.
After cloning and using dvc pull
to download
data, models, and plots tracked by DVC, the workspace should look like this:
$ tree -L 2
βββ data. # <-- Directory with raw and intermediate data
β βββ pool_data # <-- Raw image data
β βββ pool_data.dvc # <-- .dvc file - a placeholder/pointer to raw data
β βββ test_data # <-- Processed test data
β βββ train_data # <-- Processed train data
βββ dvc.lock
βββ dvc.yaml # <-- DVC pipeline file
βββ models
β βββ model.pkl # <-- Trained model file
βββ notebooks
β βββ TrainSegModel.ipynb # <-- Initial notebook (refactored into `dvc.yaml`)
βββ params.yaml # <-- Parameters file
βββ requirements.txt # <-- Python dependencies needed in the project
βββ results # <-- DVCLive reports and plots
β βββ evaluate
β βββ train
βββ src # <-- Source code to run the pipeline stages